• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 18, 2020

    Rust An interesting title

    Rust An interesting title

    An interesting title

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:53 PM PST

    facepunch add thanos door

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Fresh spawning inside a compound

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:32 AM PST

    Remember to take breaks and make sure your brain is working while playing

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Garry you owe me 300 scrap. How is this not 1?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:53 AM PST

    When people have had enough of your shit

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Me waiting for my friend to come back

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Live reaction to a server lagging and deleting my painting progress </3

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:59 AM PST

    This is normal?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 05:56 PM PST

    when even the scientists are doorcamping you

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Still runs at 27 FPS...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:44 AM PST

    D-Day Anyone?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST

    please fix the P2W cursed cauldron

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:09 PM PST

    3 boxes of guns fall out of the sky

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Why do scientists spawn back in military tunnels!!!???

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Just got killed because i was sandwhiched in-between scientists. I took 400 cloth with me and 10 med pens, and i get killed after clearing out the whole thing and taking the elites!? This is some grade A bullshit. Why do they spawn back at the entrance, and at the main area, minutes after completing it?

    submitted by /u/Datgamer2000
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    Remove Minicopter Meta!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:22 PM PST

    So after playing officials or more pvp focussed servers like 10x no BPs for a long time I joined a classic 2x Duo Server with a friend 30 minutes after a BP Wipe. We together have around 5k hours in total. We built a 2x2 between Train Yard and Sewer with the Oil Rigs not far away on a 3600 map, preparing to do sewer, train yard and then go for large Oil Rig with the keycards.

    That plan was ruined fast since train yard had more airborne traffic than the chicago airport. We ended up playing with bows, xbows and eokas fighting around a 2x1 on the road with 4 teams for 1.5 hours and then changed servers. It was still fun but Rust is kinda made for the stupid now. Learning puzzles, acquire keycards and survive the pvp going on there is all gone. Just roam around, get a mini and skip the puzzles. Great job you completed the game within 3 hours.

    My suggestion to change this meta: Either make the puzzles not lootable with a mini or remove the keycards at all (switches can stay) so that you don't have that much of a disadvantage when you don't have a mini. Make Rust hardcore again!

    submitted by /u/DonBongJohn
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    When a woman is giving birth she can almost feel the pain of getting offline RAIDED! | Goodbye frustrator

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Moving workbenches

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:19 AM PST

    So, I just made my t3 workbench placed it down, and..... its like 1/3 tile away from the wall, it looks terrible. So I thought of a balanced solution to pick up workbenches. Just make it like the building demolish mechanics. Put the option to pick up on a timer. This way you cant just pick up any workbench, and allows for a second chance at placing your workbench. Helk pls. P.s if any dev's see this hop on face punch west 1 and help me out!

    submitted by /u/Fatdog223
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    [Tutorial] How to play songs on Rust instruments without MIDI devices.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    [Tutorial] How to play songs on Rust instruments without MIDI devices.
    1. Turn on the MIDI Input setting in Rust. In-game go to Settings-->Experimental-->MIDI Input.
    2. Install loopMIDI and MIDI Player.
    3. Open loopMIDI and add a new port. (Screenshot 1)
    4. Then unarchive MIDI Player. And open MidiPlayer.exe
    1. In MIDI Player go to settings and switch off these 2 checkboxes. (Screenshot 2,3 and 4)
    2. Then in Output Port select loopMIDI port.
    3. Now you can add .midi songs to MidiPlayer and then just press the play button. In-game you just use piano or any other instrument and it will automatically play .midi song.
    4. Here's a link to songs that sounds good on the piano. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p7g9mOPoDUg_vudv-jlScPxWckAFO6jH?usp=sharing

    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    Screenshot 3

    Screenshot 4

    Screenshot 5

    submitted by /u/I1yStery
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    Where are all of them AK laser recoil chads? I haven't seen one for a month

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Before the Bloody change everyday I've been nailed by awesome AK recoilers. 100m, 200m, distance didn't matter the first 5 bullets were nailing me 100%. Every second AK roamer was able to fire 30 bullets in one point from any distance. BOOM. Suddenly all of them disappear. Suddenly I started to dominate T3 fights with my sucky AK recoil. Suddenly LR became more popular than AK in end game.

    I was posting a video a while ago asking if the guy on the video is scripting:
    Most of the community said this is normal play. So why the heck since Bloody day I have never seen someone that good? What has happened?

    Few days ago on UK server players were discussing the topic and there were 6 europeans who admitted they had Bloody with scripts, out of 15 players online. Some noob friendly server with average to low player level, almost half of them were using Bloody? I wonder what is happening on Russian servers. Right now the russian players I meet all using LR.

    submitted by /u/St0rm3n84
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    Right click to undo last wire segment

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Would be a nice feature instead of having to run the whole line again. During initial wiring only that is, not once you've fully connected.

    submitted by /u/myvarequals
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    I made a demonic pookie bear

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Mod Idea, Hunger Games: Resources don't respawn

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    trees dont grow back, stone, metal sulfer nodes dont reappear. animals dont respawn. barrels/crates dont respawn. spermket shelves dont restock. hemp, corn pumpkins dont keep growing (unless a player plants seeds) only infinite resources would be maybe water, sunlight.

    how would this change the game? people would hoard like crazy, but eventually bases decay because theres nothing left to put in the cabinet. raiding/looting decaying bases becomes more critical to get resources to upkeep existing bases.

    people starve out. cannibalism becomes rampant. ammo is precious. weapons become epic items, because there is only so many sar/smg/rifle bodies on the server. melee becomes more common. people scuba dive, not to get scrap while avoiding pvp, but to get the last remaining scrap and items on the map at all.

    i think it would be pretty bananas. as stuff doesnt respawn, itd probably have to be a 1 week or 2 week wipe, because once everythings gone, only a few players will keep trying to be the last one surviving.


    submitted by /u/kdjfsk
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