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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Rust Lunar New Year Update

    Rust Lunar New Year Update

    Lunar New Year Update

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Lemme drive the heli

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:41 AM PST

    I didn't know Rust had an Attack on Titan crossover.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:43 AM PST

    unlimited power

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Rust Oil Rig rebuilt in Minecraft! (world download in description)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Rust minicopter flying skills just learning

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:59 AM PST

    Call of Duty Der Riese: Custom Rust Zombie Map by Lone

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:59 PM PST

    Reddit newb. Uploading all my monuments here. (Submarine Rust Monument)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Homebrew metal-free "must log faster" base, but this time actually ingame with illustrations.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:21 PM PST

    My Triple TC Base Trigger Setup for each Section. Sam w/ remote off 3 min timer, and electrified TC room with 15 minute Raid Alarm. Off a single windmill and solar panel. (not shown Basic Battery Backup on 9 turrets behind controlled doors) Input Welcome!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Lucky me

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Whats the best rust moment you have ever seen on youtube

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:23 PM PST


    submitted by /u/luyus4
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    Anyone else get a feeling of paranoia 24/7?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Like what a lot of people nowadays have I have anxiety. Every time I leave my base or I'm out in the open or just out at all I'm worried someone's gonna gun me down far away or jump at me. And don't get me wrong I enjoy the game and the anxiety/paranoia gives a little bit of a blood rush in intense situations but does anyone else feel this? I'm relatively new to other people with 100 hours

    submitted by /u/Bryannek
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    Midi instruments.playrecording update

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Anyone know how to use this? The game expects a .rec file.

    I tried renaming a .midi to .red and got alot of errors. Tried searching the internet without luck.

    submitted by /u/kentsigurdsen
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    Rust plz fix

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST

    Okay F it - Lets crowdsource figuring out the sounds tonight!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:40 AM PST

    After these two threads and no real answers, I propose that tonight, 9PM Eastern US time, some of us get together and test various sounds, log the data, and publish it back on this sub.



    I am posting this because I have questions on what and how things should be tested. You might say, "test everything" but really does anyone care if the mailbox or horse hitch makes a noise, no. But other items do matter, even the chair.

    Also, how do we test? I was thinking about going to a creative server, setting up a straight line of foundations to measure how far the sounds go if they do make noise. Also, I think thinking about a handful of other test setups mimicking the walls in common base designs to see if any of the sound is dampened. E.g. stone 2x1, Metal core with stone honeycomb, stone wall w/ stone honeycomb, etc.

    What do you think?

    What I need is your ideas for items to test, Other sounds to test (like boats, helis, characters walking,etc), how to test them, and a couple people who would be willing to donate an hour or so. Let me know and I'll come back a little before 9:00 PM with the IP of a good build server I've been using which will give us the flexibility we need. Get me a list of items in the next couple hours and I can print out a spreadsheet of items and the various tests to quickly log the data. Then I'll clean up the data ad digitize it and post it on this sub.

    EDIT: Due to time and not being fully prepared this is NOT happening tonight. But I really do want some community feedback on how to go about this project so we can go about it soon, maybe this weekend.

    submitted by /u/EggdropBotnet
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    I thought the giant excavator was just a made up concept, oh wait it’s real ��

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:41 PM PST

    Outpost: "SAFE ZONE" Roofcamper:

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:15 AM PST

    Battery and Generator backup with a twist!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Battery and Generator backup with a twist!

    Hello fellow nakeds.

    I have some circuit designs you might like. Basically with the below designs I want to use small generators as a backup source of electricity in case offline raiders choose to attack the wind turbines, wait for the battery to drain and bring the turrets offline. So, here it goes...

    Generator Backup with a twist


    This is a fully automated battery and generator backup design. The twist? It works as a trap.

    After they attack your turbines, the big battery will take care of your power needs providing you with 100 units of electricity for 4 hours. As soon as the battery is drained the second medium battery will be enabled which will arm the HBHF sensor. The turrets will be turned off giving the impression that there is no more defence in the base but if a raider gets into HBHF's radius the generators will turn on, bringing back your turrets trapping the raiders inside your base. All you need to do is to place the HBHF somewhere smart and be covered by turrets.

    This design is very VERY handy for electrified cave bases where wind turbines are easy targets.

    All you need to do to make this work is to set how much power you need for your base. To do that simply set up the branch in the red square. Maximum you can set is 95 units. Electricity not needed in your base will be used to charge the two batteries. If not enough electricity (slow wind) comes into your base from the turbines, big battery will come online instantly and you will notice no power outages.

    Generators will automatically stop when power from wind turbines is restored.

    The system will be armed as long as the medium battery has power left (approx 3h). If the battery dies there is nothing to bring the generators up so you can call the whole system dead.

    Simple fully automated battery + generator backup .


    The idea behind this design is to use generators as supplement. When not enough or not at all electricity comes into the base the generators will come online automatically providing 120 units of electricity for 2 hours. As soon as the fuel is gone the big battery will come online providing 100 units of electricity for 4 hours. So, if they attack your turbines you will have 6 hours uninterrupted power to your base. As soon as the power is restored generators will be turned off automatically.

    This is very handy for online raids.

    For this to work without power outages when changing between power sources you have to set the power needed in your base in the two branches inside the red square (not one like the previous design). If you don't have enough fuel you can turn of the system using the switch in the yellow circle and turn it on when you are about to log out. While the switch is off the battery will work as backup so you don't have to worry for low winds.

    The fact that you need to setup two branches for this to work might make it tricky to operate especially for new players. IF you know a way to make this work by setting up only one branch please let me know!!

    Rustrician files

    Download the xml files and use "import" function in rustrician.io to view and simulate the designs. Copy the contents and paste them into the appropriate window in rustrician.io .

    1. Traplike Battery and Generator Backup
    2. Simple Battery and generator backup (supplement)

    Please let me know if you like them, also, if you have any suggestions or you have an idea for circuit I will be happy to try and make it an actual circuit.

    Happy gaming!

    Best regards,


    submitted by /u/stratos2k5
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    Would I be able to run it? If so at what?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST

    I have GTX 1650 AMD Ryzen 5 3550 8gb ram and 3.7 for cpu speed.

    submitted by /u/Cristian5505
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    Some ideas for future updates for game developers

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:43 PM PST

    So I'm relatively new to rust (almost 700 hours since the 2019 summer sale, $9 for rust was a ridiculously amazing deal) so I'm clearly a new-gen player with no experience of old rust (vehicles are just part of the game for me, my legacy friends hate them)

    Most of my friends who taught me the game have quit the game due to disliking many of the updates like helicopters and the changes to the BPs systems. We have been brain storming some ideas of varying scale that could refresh the game experience for all players, new and old.

    I am not married to any of these ideas, just throwing them out there and want to hear some feedback on what old and new players think. I did not come up with all of these, just wanted to compile some interesting ideas. I love the game as it is, but seeing cash-grab updates like instruments is pretty annoying when there's so much that could make the game better.

    -New ammo types: .45 ACP and 7.62. It doesn't make sense that ALL handguns and ALL rifles use the same ammo. It's convenient currently, but adding these as well as tweaking the stats of the weapons could add a nice variety.

    -Customizable shotgun traps (a double barrel trap that fires two shells but less frequently, maybe let them fire custom shells instead of just handmade if it's a level 2 BP)

    -Customizable auto turrets. The turrets should cost one of the guns you put in them, and you could put say a Thompson or MP5 in it instead of the default AK. Maybe allow different types of 556 in them (if that isn't possible already, haven't tried)

    -Tier 2 hand thrown raiding weapons, the gap between satchels and C4 is too much. Maybe just an oil barrel made with frags low grade and GP with a rope fuse or something you can place and light.

    -Hand thrown molotovs that cost metal and low grade

    -A crafting mini game on work benches that can speed up the crafting time by 25%, it can be simple but not too easy for balance. AFK crafting is so boring and time wasting

    -A new XP system, but no bonuses to PVP at all. I want to get better at farming or crafting (NO EXPLOSIVE MAKING BONUSES) progressively along the wipe. It would be very minor bonuses, but anything would be nice since it can save time for solo farmers like me. Maybe by late game it takes 2 or 3 less hits to down a tree or 1 or 2 for a node.

    -Horse improvements. I love horses especially when playing solo. I want to be able to attach a lasso to a horse so it can follow me when I hop off to hit barrels, at the cost of some movement speed. I also want to be able to lasso a horse while on a horse, in order to bring one back to my teammate on foot, also at a movement speed cost. Also, horse-drawn large crate carts and chariots for shooting out of would be really cool and useful, also with movement speed cost. Last tweak is pretty roleplayerish, but I want to able to name my horse. These could give solos and duos the mobility that clans with all the helis have.

    -Closing the mini copter loop holes in monuments. Either by adding SAM sites to make it more work, or just make it impossible all together by reworking where the crates spawn. It's pretty game-breaking to have clans with all the helis getting all the mil crates instantly with almost no risk.

    -Oil rig and cargo should have some radiation so nakeds can't come back immediately to continue the fight without preparation.

    -Add a couple scientists to the tier 3 ground monuments like launch site. Maybe a new weaker kind of scientist that can be taken down or carefully avoided by solos with bows.

    -A level 3 hazmat-style (1 piece of clothing) armor suit that provides either 35 or 40% protection. It should be really expensive for this convenience, assembling full outfits in late game can get really annoying and it would be nice to have this option if sitting on a lot of extra high qual.

    -A laser+flashlight combo attachment that can be toggled. Either have two different keys or just have the first F toggle laser, second F toggles flashlight, third turns it off. Give it 1/2 the accuracy boost of a normal laser for balance.

    -Green lasers and green holos

    -Make useless BPs like mailboxes default instead of everyone constantly throwing them away after hitting barrels

    -Roaming groups of NPCs (not scientists, like primitive NPCs) of varying size and equipment that travel on roads and will go towards the sounds of raids or heavy gun fire.

    -An operable train monument that starts at train yard. It takes some kind of fuel to run, and you have to kill the scientists on it to use it. It could run a circle around the map. I think it would be really fun to use and/or ambush a group moving loot via a train.

    -Level 1 (wood) and level 3 (high quality) ladder hatches instead of just the level 2 sheet metal door-health hatches. Triangular hatches as well.

    -Fast ropes on scrap helis (have to research and craft) and single-use grappling hooks that allow for a quick descent (but no ascent) off the side of a building

    -Bows with different poundages. I want light bows that are weak and cheap but fire quickly and long bows that take more materials and time to draw but do more damage. Make the player move slowly while drawn with the long bow but not stationary like the compound.

    -A weak level 1 lever action rifle. Can't mount optics. Maybe it only fires pistol bullets, but has good range and control.

    -An inefficient recycling function that allows players to "break-down" a craft-able researched item at workbenches. Give the player only 25-50% of the materials (and RNG that works out to this same % for single items like SAR bodies off of the rifle, you only get 1 body every 2 SARs on average as an example) this would allow for people to get rid of items they don't want without throwing it away or risking a recycler run. Level 1 workbenches only allow level 1 items to get broken down and so on.

    Probably had more but that's all I can think of for now. I am really excited for farming 2.0 and ring road with cars, and modular guns. Let me know what you guys think, like I said these are just random ideas, not full blown suggestions that I think should be added.

    submitted by /u/mattd913
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    Is this facts???

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:36 PM PST

    500 fish skin + lvl 3 workbench = Aquaman armour!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:22 PM PST

    admin keeps abusing me because i called him out for harassing my team

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:17 PM PST

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