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    Monday, January 20, 2020

    Rust Uh

    Rust Uh


    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:13 PM PST

    I'm in class but I desperately need to check if we got raided.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:57 AM PST

    When you get raided and overhear the raiders talking about how much propane you had

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Help i always forget low grade

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Playing with roof campers be like

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:59 PM PST

    I present to you... my trumpet

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:11 PM PST

    Those strange encounters on oilrig...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:17 AM PST

    A large banwave has just took out a 500 player script ring. Here are their reactions. Well done EAC :)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Made a SAR irl, has multiple moving parts like a real gun

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Gaming at 90kmh. Cross posted from r/idiotsincars

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:08 PM PST

    To the outskirts of dome rode a stranger one fine day...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Learning from youtubers how to get rid of those pesky snaptraps

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:32 AM PST

    ah yes, fisiks

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:27 AM PST

    Do these loot tables seem balanced?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Where my Hazzy Gang at?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:08 AM PST

    Rust only using 30-50% GPU at all times? any fix?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    I cant PvP, and my building is amateur at best...but my group keeps me around for one reason.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    It's time to roam for nakeds

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:48 AM PST

    A Man and His Island

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    A Man and His Island


    I am a new rust player and this story progresses through hours 150 to 500 in Rust for me. I have just completed my first full wipe on a monthly wipe server and now I'm in the middle of my second wipe. While playing, the odds have been stacked against me. Things not in my favor were: Being new to Rust, playing on a server half-way around the world with high ping, and playing on an old 2013 computer that's below minimum spec which leads to sudden blindness in game when something important is happening. This is a tale about island life in Rust. Over these one-and-a-half wipes I've played, to the best of my memory I've seen more than 30 bases come and disappear just as quickly. Somehow I have the stubbornness to keep going while others either give up or get raided. This is 98% real and names have been slightly changed.

    Wipe Day:

    I downloaded Rust and was only able to play a few days on an Australia/Oceania monthly wipe server before it was wiped. I liked the idea of a monthly wipe because as a newb I knew my progression would be slow. After testing the waters in other main NA or EU servers I decided to come back to this monthly one was it was more my pace and to learn the game. This was because the server seemed calm enough to let me learn, but still Rust enough to scare the shit out of me and make my heart beat out of my chest like no other game ever. And yup, just like any Rust server, some assholes too, but not too bad. Not cancer bad.

    In the few days remaining days of an old wipe on this monthly wipe server I lived on a small island simply because I spawned there one time and was able to make it and build a base. I didn't pick island life, island life picked me. I was a super newb without a clue. I had about three days on this server before wipe day was coming. I came to like this island's warehouse monument, small cave, and mix of grassland, cliff, and mountain. On the new wipe, my first clean start with a new wipe (BP wipe too), I chose island life again, but this time purposely. This would be my first full 30-day wipe from start to finish. I ended up choosing a nice island which was slightly smaller than the other islands, but on a quiet spot on the map, but a 2 to 3 minute run to the PVP zones if I wanted to throw down.

    On the new wipe I tried a different island/peninsula first, but it had a warehouse and cave and ended up being a hot PVP area. There it was tough to not get lit up attempting to farm or recycle, so before even building I moved on down to the next island. Upon arrival on the new, smaller, low key island there, were already some others living on the island. A small 2x1 here, a 2x2 there, a bigger something x something that was out of my league there. I'll come to find that many neighbors come to the island, but they all don't ultimately stick around. Unfortunate. The island was a grassland biome and half the island was hilly and rocky with cliffs and the other half low and flat.

    Since this was my second base I've ever built, it was a chance to not have such a dysfunctional base as I had in my first partial wipe – wishful thinking. This new base started as a 2x1 with airlock. My plan was to expand as necessary. I picked a spot in not too high, and not too low area, near a cliff backed by the ocean and hidden in some trees. My location was pretty much saying "I chose to live way the fuck out here as far as possible from people, please leave me alone".

    Beginning Days:

    Things were quiet. I haven't seen any of the other residents yet. Some bases are starting to decay already, new ones are popping up, and others seem stable but no one is ever there when I'm online. I really wanted to talk with someone to get a general vibe of the neighbors. I was hoping for a place where we save our raiding energy and hostility for bases that aren't our immediate neighbors on the island. One of the initial 2x2's that decayed within the first week. I took it over and used it as my smelting base so I didn't light up my main base at night. I've also found that an alternate place to spawn indoors with a chest and emergency weapon/gear/health kit is very helpful and better than just tossing bags in bushes with an underground stash. Now I was farming stone for two bases, but it was okay because it was fairly quiet and there was just enough nodes on the island to support this.

    Then one afternoon logging on I see a new base on the flat lands. It was a 'big boy' clan base that popped up quick. By that I mean clan guys, lots of metal and stone, big base, etc. I went up and talked to them and I let them know I was cool and we agreed on a truce. It worked well enough, but was a little problematic. As a big clan, not everyone got the memo, so others would blast the fuck out of me while I was farming and I'd have to go on voice chat and tactfully say "GG, and hey I'm your neighbor up the hill, I thought we were friendly". Seeing as I wasn't a threat to them they'd let me go until the next guy would come online and blast me. This big base grew and grew and eventually had external high walls circling it. While I was trying to stay friendly, this base became more and more intimidating and I worried it would attract drama to the island. That was until they suddenly just stopped playing and the base quickly decayed. While it was decaying, I even partially raided some of it and got some crap loot out of it. It was nice however that they left external TCs that preserved a refinery and large furnace surrounded by a semi-circle of high wall for weeks. It was a nice benefit. With island life, sneaking out at night to load up the furnace and refinery and sit in a bush with a semi rifle and a real-life beer in my hand is pretty relaxing.

    One morning about 10 days into the wipe, when logging in I see a new base getting built on the very highest point on the island. That was a mistake as I'd already seen two bases come and go at that location. This third one looked more like a role-player horse barn than a base. I went up to investigate and saw a naked run in a doorway with no door. I crept closer and saw him stand in the doorway. Instinct took over and I started blasting with my 8-shot revolver. I landed like one or two shots, but he ran inside. I reloaded and sprinted in after him. The base was a hollow 2x6 shaped base and I unloaded on the guy and dropped him. He respawned in a bag and I dropped him again.

    Realizing what I was doing, and it was something I wouldn't like being on the receiving end of, I put up the white flag over voice chat and told the guy I'd leave him alone if he didn't attack me. He agreed. I picked him up and I apologized for my actions. I reminded him this was Rust and I'm probably not the only one that would have done what I did. He agreed, and I apologized even more. I told him to follow me down to my base and I tossed him some stacks of corn and a couple sets of metal hatchets/picks (he was only on stone) as a part of my apology. We had a little chat and we agreed not messing with island neighbors is a good idea. After that we left each other alone. His base decayed from neglect a few days later.

    (Side note, this is about mid-way through the first full wipe I was on. Here is a link to a side-story about my first 'real' in kills in Rust. These side stories happen approximately here in this larger/longer timeline you're currently reading.)

    New Life:

    Almost out of now where, logging in there is now a metal, honeycombed base with shooting floor smack dab in the middle of the island, and a new stone, odd-shaped base at the top of the hill again for the fourth time. I quickly came across the owners and easily worked out a truce. The person at the top of the hill in stone was an approximately 12 to 14 year old kid name 'Dawkins'. In the intimidating looking metal base in the middle was Reej (or 'RJ') and SpicyQuokka. While still new myself I helped out Dawkins with some of the game's basic fundamentals, like the blueprint system. RJ, Spicy and I would team out and do some floating crap, diving, recycling runs together. Going to the recycler three people deep was much more relaxing compared to being on edge like in my other story linked above. I even did a couple runs to the recycler with the kid Dawkins.

    After five or so days of the new gang on the island, things were pretty quiet, except for a little 2x1 or something that would come and then decay out (or maybe get hatchet raided by us naughty boys). Then one day, bam, two new identical bases popped up on the beach right next to one another. Both were the kind with a hollow center with loot rooms on 2 floors surrounding the center core. You know, a YouTube bunker base looking design. After logging back in later, the other friendly guys on the island told me tales of having a tough time and getting killed by the new residents on the island. So, I walked over and asked "Is the owner home? I'd like to speak with you for a moment". The owner was home and he responded. While he stayed in his base and I never saw him, wespoke briefly and I let him know of my peaceful intentions, and that of the island in general -- lets not attack each other. He agreed. Well more like he "agreed".

    Things were peaceful again for me. But somehow Dawkins messed that up. While for a 12-14 year old, he was pretty respectful, behaved, and well-spoken, for some reason he really rubbed the owners of the new clan bases a wrong way. It was kind of his fault because he wouldn't give them any space. I told the kid like 10 times over 10 days "sometimes it's just better to say 'GG' when killed and move on. People will respect you more and they'll just move on. If you freak out, it will just bring more of them your way". But he didn't take that advice, and I don't think Reej and Salty did either (but I don't recall if I offered that advice up to them or not). Anyway, the clan guys on the island are lighting up this kid daily and he's freaking out. I just stayed out of it and reaffirmed my truce with the clan guys while trying to help the kid and keep him calm. At this point I had a feeling the 'truce' was flimsy with the clan, but I'll let them think it's alive, for now.

    At this point we're about day 20 into the 30 day wipe. My base has grown from a 2x1, to an expanded, stupid3x2. Horrible base design. Well, not even a design, just a monstrosity. It really wasn't planned out well and as I expanded out, my "honeycomb" became multi-purpose. It was more fake honeycomb because I was living in it and stored my less valuable stuff on it. Eventually I got a second floor which I intended for a heli and I experimented with some electricity up there. Overall it was a shit base. But it worked because no one wants to raid something that looks like a primitive newb lives in it.

    The Tower:

    The new big boys on the island expanded quickly. Now they had a tall 6 story stone tower with a shooting floor near their normal bases. It was annoying because nearly wherever you were on the island those guys could see you from it. I liked to peak out from the heli bay on my base when something was happening outside, but now this tower just looked down at me. I thought it was a bold, rash, rude move to build it. Yes it's Rust, but fuck that tower. While we had a truce, I decided to violate it a little bit. The base owners were offline and I decided to yoink their scrap heli. I figured their helis would just decay anyway, so in my mind it justified the crime. I had flown once and nose dived it instantly, so this time I made sure to refresh myself on a YouTube video on how to fly in Rust. So I go grab the scrap heli and I was determined to store it in my heli port at the top of my base. Things are going great! I'm up in the air, going toward my base. Whoa, hold one, I'm drifting, nope, nope , come on stop, and bam. Next thing I know I'm dead and I impaled myself on the wood highwall of the first decayed big boy base on the island. Not so great, but now I think I got the feel of it, so I run back to the guys base and take a second scrap heli (yup they had 2). Up we go and this time I'm actually directly over my base, now just to lower down slowly and land in it. Well the problem with that is you can't see directly down while you're piloting the scrap heli, so I started drifting side-to-side, front-to-back while I was barely above the base and next thing I know I crashed it again. Fuck. I need to practice on a flying server.

    The other hostile clan guys on the island kept killing Dawkins. I was also getting leery of these guys with this tall tower and their bases quickly multiplying in size. So, I speak with Dawkins and we decide to raid their tower. It should be easy and low cost. Maybe there's a chest up there. But the main goal was to destroy TC and kill this tower, not necessarily loot. So I start crafting up like 6 to 8 ladders. While a lot of the 3x4 shooting floor overhung over the tall base of the tower reaching up from the ground, one side of it was flush meaning we could climb straight up on ladders to a window, the one window with a wood grate instead of metal like the rest. The plan was to climb up and hatchet in. I would do the work while Dawkins stood lookout. He was instructed to send text on team-chat instead of voice chat in case the owners logged on. We thought we had planned it well.

    We hit problems right away. For one, you can't operate a hatchet while on a ladder, so we couldn't easily chop in. We tried silly attempts of me standing on Dawkins head while he was on the ladder to see if I could chop and I could maybe connect with the window once every 60 seconds and both of us falling like 5 squares two times each and having to load up on corn. So new plan. I know, I had some incendiary pistol ammo and crafted up a little extra. We would burn out the window! That hit problems as well. The flame would fall off the window grate and it wouldn't start on fire. The number of bullets to shoot it out with a 8-shot revolver from the ground would be too much. Next was going to be a bow and arrow attack for the cost-effectiveness, until we realized we could boost onto the roof. It was tricky, but we could do it. But it yielded nothing as it was a stone roof. Just a we started shifting back to the bow and arrow attack, Dawkins pointed out the open window on the other side! WTF, we've been working on a closed window for 30 minutes and burned resources on it, when their was an open one on the other side?! WTF. That was embarrassing because I thought I did my due diligence on this newb raid. The problem was it was on an overhang though. We couldn't ladder to it with the overhang. But we could get to the roof!

    New plan was to jump off the roof of the tower, 180 spin, and try and place a ladder. First try, I backed up to the end and jump while ready to place the ladder. Nope, I fall to 10 health and eat yet another stack of corn. For attempt number two, this time up on the roof I do some practice jumps by visualizing jumping from a line between roof segments. This time I creep to the edge, line up, jump, and place a ladder as I'm falling. We did it!

    So one more stack of corn and back up to the roof. I sneak down from the roof to the newly placed ladder over the window, but it's still a PITA to get in. The ladder unfortunately was near the middle of the window so the fit was very right. After a few minutes I finally get in after falling off a few times.

    I carefully explore the tower. Nothing at all upstairs, not a single chest. I'm okay with that though. Goal is to destroy TC. I slowly go down the stairs level by level. I don't want to run into a trap, or get stuck, or in anyway leave my body or anything connecting me to this raid there and these guys would typically be online soon. I get all the way down and TC is on the first floor. I burn through the 1-2 hatchets I have on TC, but needed like 4 or so more. So I ask Dawkins to go get the rest of the hatchets we crafted up for this raid. I tried having him pass me the hatchets through the barred window we first started trying to get through. It was tough, but after dropping a bunch of them, I grabbed one. We decided that was a dumb way though, so I went to chopping the TC while Dawkins was going to try and get to the open window and just come in with them. Just as I started chopping again I hear someone that wasn't Dawkins or I on voice chat say "Well, well, well…. What do we have here"?

    That voice was scary as hell. Not due to the suddenness or unexpectedness of it. But more scary due to the slowness and lack of panic on how it was delivered. Those words were spoken in a way you could feel the pending malice coming at you, but the malice wasn't quite there yet. It was like we were mice, stuck in a mouse trap owned by a giant, but didn't know that yet. If this clan dude (who I still haven't seen or know his name at this point, only heard his voice twice now) connected me to this, I knew my base would be raided.

    Dawkins was quickly lit up by the guys AK and his dead body falls off the ladder. We need a plan and quick while I'm stuck in the tower. I tell Dawkins over team-chat to keep him talking while I try to get out. I need to take one jump to jump up onto the towers internal stairs to get back up to the shooting floor and open windor, and then I hear the venomous voice say "I hear you in there…". Crap, I'm being quiet as possible, but he knows what's going on. Dawkins responds and I hear his nervous, scared as shit teenage voice plead "Hold on, hold on, can we talk about this quick"? He goes on to make up some story over voicechat about how he saw someone raiding the tower, so he came to investigate, that's all. He keeps burning time about a guy he saw on the roof, what he looked like, etc. While he was doing that I decided I need to get out. They'll come into this tower and I'm not going to win with a hatchet. If I jump out the window, I'll probably die since I'm not full health and they might see my body laying outside the tower. The only good thing is the open window is facing the cliff/water's edge while Dawkins is pleading for his life on the other wide of the tower with our unknown enemy tower owner and hopefully they don't see my body and I'll try to come back and get it. So I jump, fall down the 4-5 stories, and stick the landing on the rocks leaving me with like 6 health. I creep down the rocks quietly as possible and swim off into the water. I swam across a channel to a neighboring (more hostile island), but I happened to have a underground stash on the shore. I deposit all my raid gear (incendiary bullets, pistol, hatchets, etc) and F1-console-kill myself. I let Dawkins know I made it out and thanked him for taking one for the team and letting me get out and credited him for his ingenuity on the creative story he made up. I spawned in base and just waited by my furnace with a gun in my hands waiting to be raided. Thankfully, it didn't happen.

    About 2 days later and about 7 days left in the wipe I log in and see the naked body of Reej laying outside my base. "This isn't good" I think to myself. I then look back and see the flag on my mailbox up. I open it up and read the note left inside:

    "Hey, so those guys totally raided us and destroyed us. We're going to take a break from this wipe, but next new one, lets team up! My discord name is XXXXXXX send me a message there."

    The raiders had come in through Reej's roof with rockets and blew into the first floor. But this base was metal, had a Tier 3 work bench which I didn't have, and lots of furnaces. Plus it had a cooler shooting floor than my base and was more central on the island and was a good lookout point. So I added this base to my belt, placed a new TC, and patched up the holes. I would begin to spend as much time in this base as my main base. I also bagged in Reej who I had as a Steam friend in case he'd log back in. In discord I let him know I had saved his base. Also, Dawkin's base…yah that was pretty much foundation wiped. The clan really didn't like that kid. He told me that he, wisely, was going to try and set up on a nearby island to stay away from these guys. I do feel a little bad that he was the public face of the tower raid which is what I believe was the straw that broken the camels back on him being able to live on the island in the future.

    Raiding RANGER:

    Over time I learned the name of the clan that moved into the island with their two duplicate bases and their clan tags in front of their names. RANGER was the main guy we've been interacting with. At this point they now have windmills, stone walls circling both bases, 4 large furnaces, turrets all over, etc. Their turrets made node farming annoying, but I got used to their locations. On the positive side I would be sitting in my base and then hear a quick 'BLAAH BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH". It would be another primitive guy checking out the island and getting destroyed by their turrets peeking over their highwalls. I would learn how to creep to dead bodies and loot them before the farmer/owner would get back. It was an easy way of getting a handful of free resources delivered to the island.

    By this point I decided I was going to raid this clan. Well, some of this clan. As a solo I only had enough sulfur for one of their bases. But I wanted to prove my point. YOU DON'T FUCK WITH THE ISLAND AND YOU DON'T KILL MY FRIENDS AND YOU DON'T BUILD SOME GAUDY ROOFCAMPING TOWER! Assholes. So for 2-3 days all I did was farmed sulfur and metal, cook it, and do recon. That's all. I got a better idea for when these guys were usually online. Unfortunately I'm not good enough to online these guys, so they're getting offlined by a solo. Praise to you in thy name Lord Weyln. In the middle of this I hear a loud ass explosion outside my base. I look on the map and there's an attack heli crash site right next to my base, down the cliff and on the beach. I decided I'd run out naked, try to gank the loot, hide in my 2x1 boathouse, and be silent until it blows over. As I get down there though I'm getting burned all over. I fast-loot some stuff, and I head the voice from above on the cliff. "That's our heli". He said it with confident annoyance, almost like I'm an annoying fly that he'll have to swat away but overall won't disrupt his plans. Oh fuck, I ran and hid in the boathouse. Quickly I decided to play newb over voice chat. It was easy because I am newb and this was my first crash site. "Sorry" I say. "I heard this explosion and came to check it out. I didn't know it was anyone's". "Sure, if you shot it down, it's yours". "I'll tell you what, if you don't kill me I'll open up the door and toss out the loot I got". "okay" he says. At this point my video on my computer starts glitching out and I can't see. But still I blindly jump out, hope I don't get lit up and I toss all the ammo out. I clumsily try to jump back in the boathouse. Then he says "Actually, it's just incendiary crap, you can have it". "Wow, thanks I say". Then he packs up moves out, and lets me know I can harvest the metal if I'd like.

    Cool. That was nice of him. And for him to not light me up, I guess it means he didn't know it was me who destroyed the tower. Oh yah, I forgot to mention I went back like 12 hours later after the tower raid, and got back into the tower (they never sealed their window) and destroyed the TC and at this point in the story the tower was gone from decay.

    With about 5 days left in the wipe my farming turned more into planning. I currently owned 3 bases: my main base, the 2x2 base I salvaged early on, and Reej and Salty's base. If I were to raid and get loot however I was expecting the honeycomb-less 2x2 and Reej/Spicy's base to get raided hard if the clan thought the island was behind it. So on a cliff there was a 2x1 that just decayed out. I set up a new base right in the same spot a few days before my raid. I wanted the clan to see it, but just think it's the same 2x1 that's been there all wipe. Also, I had my 2x1 boathouse and Reej/Spicy's divided 2x2 boathouse with 2 doors. Overall I now had 6 different bases. My plan was to receive loot in Reej/Spicy's boat house, then distribute it to my other bases and bury it. I totally expected to get re-raided, so I didn't want to lose it all.

    I started crafting up stacks of explosive ammo. I didn't have the explosives BP learned to make C4 and I didn't want to be loud with satchels, so silenced explosive ammo raid was for me. I was hoping ammo for 6 doors would be sufficient. But before I could raid, I first needed to take care of their turrets, so the plan was to shoot them out, slowly and meticulously with a compound bow and arrows. About 10 minutes per turret it would take. I would watch the base at night with binoculars during the recon phase to see which turrets could reach the base in their compound I was targeting and which turrets I could leave running and not get killed by. I also needed to hide and distribute everything I needed for the raid so it was easilly accessible without having to keep running back to my base. So I made underground stashes outside my 2x2 with semis and explosive ammo, closer to the raid target a bag and more stashes with the stacks of bows, arrows, health, etc. Almost like a raid base, but since I was nearby it was more like some raid stashes. Also, around the island in bases and other known stashes of mine some kits. Overall my raid prep led to me approximately this:

    Near the target raid stashes:

    • Stacks of arrows
    • 4 to 5 compound bows
    • Corn and med syringes
    • Ladders
    • Blue print and repair hammer
    • TC and locks
    • A stack of stone and wood.

    My 2x2 stashes:

    • About a row of explosive ammo
    • 3 semi's with silencers
    • Full roadsign kit
    • Med Syringes

    Other stashes for this raid:

    • Full roadsign kit
    • A semi (with non-explosive ammo)

    My main base:

    • A full, metal kit with roadsign gloves/leg armor

    It also happened to work out that I would be off from work the day of the raid. This offline raid was scheduled for about 4 AM local server time the morning of New Years Day 2020 which for me was about 11 AM New Year Eve. Happy New Year's bitches! I am summoning inner newb-Weyln and coming for you! Praise to you Lord Weyln.

    I log in on the raid day. The horror. "YOU WERE KILLED BY [CLANtag] RANGER with ROCKET.ENTITY". Sunnofabitch I got raided! If there was any questioning on if I should commence the raid, especially with him being kind to me at the heli crash site, that answered my questions. They fucked up my main base, but there was barely any loot it in. All they really got was the full metal kit I was going to wear once I breached the raid, but I still had some roadsign kits. Also, the 2x2 I had was raided as well, but again, nothing of too much value in there, my raid supplies were all strategically and neatly buried right outside the 2x2. So besides my raid plan, I needed to patch up some bases first, but I was still all in on the raid and not really slowed down.

    My plan was to wake up and start tracking this clan using the Battlemetrics website to see if they're online and making sure I stay far from their bases. I wanted to make sure I was invisible on the days leading up to the raid. Also, I was expecting a delivery of RAM to upgrade my computer a little bit for Rust. I would be going from 4 GB RAM to 16 GB. I don't even know how I was able to open the game on 4 GB. Unfortunately this would happen mid-raid, but would be worth it because it had a chance at fixing my video going blind problem. Then I would destroy the turrets with bows and arrows. After that in one of their airlocks through their stone highwalls, they left a door open. So all I needed to do was get through a single sheet door, to get control of their outer TC in this airlock. After that I'd place my own TC and a bag, and then try to work on the one base out of the two which I thought was RANGER's.

    So, it took a little longer than I was hoping. This was getting close from not over-night/offline time at the local server time, but close to the morning hours on a holiday and if they work up first thing in the AM I would be in trouble. But soon I got emails alerts from Battlemetrics that the two clansmen went offline. First one, then the other guy 20 minutes later, and finally one more back for a quick 5 minute pop-in. I am glad I waited a little bit when that guy came back online for a bit. I got started on the turrets quick. I destroyed like 2 of the 6 I needed to destroy out of about the 8 total. Then the postal service package comes to my house. I sprint out to the mailbox barefoot and snow. I'm an IT guy by trade I think to myself. I can swap this quick, adjust the RAM timing in the BIOS, and be back in game in less than 5 minutes!

    Wrong. I'm used to working with Dell BIOS' at work and know their key shortcuts by heart. As for my own mobo though, no. I haven't had to touch the bios in 6 or 7 years. When I was trying to enter the BIOS, I hit F2 for something that came up without reading it. It ends up the bios detected the RAM had changed and F2 was giving me the options to clear all BIOS settings. WTF, why would anyone want that, but it's what I accidentally hit without knowing it at the time. So I add the RAM and set the new RAM timing settings, but now Windows blue-screens and reboots before I can even see the error before it fully loads. The PC sees the RAM, and sees my disks, but windows doesn't boot fully. It's not a boot record problem either. Now I'm googling how to not auto-reboot when it blue screens to try and see the error code, trying repairs, last known good configurations, safe mode, etc to no avail. Then I'm trying to get an ISO to run a repair boot, etc. WTF, why is this happening?! I should have noticed quicker, but I finally pieced it together when I realized the entire BIOS cleared and I remembering having to switch the HDD mode from SCSI to AHCI. Boom, finally back in-game after a stressful 45-60 minutes, now the game loads quicker at least.

    I log back in to more horror. I hear explosions coming from my raid target. I run over naked and start talking on voicechat. "Hey guys raiding this base, that's totally cool and I'm not going to stop you, but can I talk to you"? There were about 3-4 guys with a scrap heli which landed right in the compound. They finished the rest of the turrets and were already balls deep into both of these bases. I let them know that I had a beef with the owners and I'm cool with them raiding. I asked if I could help or if they needed anything. "NO." they said. So I offered to keep look out and I'd just sit on the cliff which their seemed to be okay with.

    They flew some heli loads out leaving one guy to look out. I came up and started chatting with him through the shop front in the airlock. I mentioned that it's cool that I'm not a total dumbass because their raid approach was very similar to what I was going to do. They had a bag and a new TC in the same airlock which I was going to do the same with. We apparently both spotted the same weakness in the base. I earned their trust when I yelled out to the raiders a naked spawning from a sleeping bag inside the compound, but it was only one of their own guys who probably killed himself to spawn there to save time transferring loot.

    The guy said once they're done they'll let me in. That was cool. I was a little bummed I didn't fully get to flex my newb muscle and get my full raid on, but putting the hurt on this base however it happened felt good. I asked if there'd be anything left and he said "Oh yah, plenty". But wouldn't really tell me how much. He asked if I had a lot of chests to put it in. I said "yes" but I didn't fully know how much of an understatement that was.

    After just waiting and occasionally offering up some of my explosive ammo which they didn't need, they called me to the window. One guy said look up. He tossed me a ladder and a hammer and said have at it. They heli'd out of there and I got to work. I was happy to see that with the base layout, I believe I would have made it deep. I probably couldn't have gotten into all the loot rooms, but I would have been able to for the most part prove my point.

    First I went through the chests the original raiders placed and were using just outside the external TC/airlock room. It was their temporary location before flying the loot out of there. Full of roadsign armor, Thompsons, resources, MP5s, etc. OMG! So I start making loot runs to Reej and Spicy's boat house. I steal some metal from the TC to fill out one 2x1 with chests. Let the dumping commence!

    For about the next hour I went through this cycle:

    • Place ladder to climb over their airlock building
    • Remove ladder so no one stumbles up on this.
    • Load up with guns and armor.
    • Climb up a ladder inside to get out
    • Run the 60 seconds to the dump and dump it
    • Run 60 seconds back.

    I was stealing everything. Cool skinned furnace, check. Piano, why not? The best part of this was the original raiders opened up both bases in the compound, not just the one I was going to hit.

    At the end I got about 4 chests of assorted guns including AKs, boltys with scopes, LR, MP5, Thompson, M2, etc. Also, like 6 chests full plate armor, holo sights and lots of other toys. There was like 3 full chests of just full metal face plates. About 2 chests full of components and good things to recycle. It took a solid hour to extract the loot and despawn the scraps I didn't need.

    After that I spread the loot around the island to the various ~5 bases. Then at each base I again buried half the loot. Good luck finding it all suckers! That took another hour to get it sorted and stored away. One set of stashes was very special. I called it "the library" and it contained one of each gun/ammo/armor I didn't have blue prints for. Since this was about 3 days now before the next wipe and it was NOT going to be a BP wipe, this was huge. So I was just recycling components, gun bodies, whatever I got from the raid just to build up on scrap so I could research these items.

    The cherry on top was logging on the next day, and knowing RANGER was online via battlemetricks in Global chat:

    ME> Hey RANGER, you there? (Playing dumb like I don't know he's on)

    RANGER> Yah, what?

    ME> Happy new year! (haha fuck you buddy!)

    RANGER> You raided me. (well he's not dumb)

    ME> Well no, not really. But I know what happened. I was going to raid you, but someone beat me to it when I was swapping my RAM on my computer.

    ME> Half your loot is off the island, and the other half has been despawned. (a little lie because I didn't want to get re-raided saying I straight up got his loot but I did despawn a lot of the scraps)

    RANGER> No doubt

    RANGER> It's okay, this was only a secondary base of ours (Even if only half, getting raided sucks and I know he was just being stoic, or maybe he really didn't give a shit. But still, it was a lot of loot for me.)

    End of Wipe:

    Just lots of recycler runs, learning BPs for next wipe, and shooting bears from 200m with a bolty and 16x scope out Reej and Spicy's base for the fun of it.

    I made it all 30 days of the wipe and about 27 days without being raided on this island. The majority of others on the lasted 3-4 days tops. The persistent ones made it 15 days. I am proud of my stubbornness to go full wipe. Being there from the very start to the very end IMO makes it 'MY' island.

    The next wipe -- a preview:

    While I was at work the server wiped and I pulled up the new map online using an external website. Reej, Spicy, and I all wanted Island life again. I was going to be first online, so they left it up to me to pick a spot. There were 3 islands. One in the arctic. No. One next to monuments the Chads like to visit and little-to-no trees to harvest, No. A third island in grassland biome which should give plenty of nodes and trees and the nearest monuments are only Tier 1 and 2 so we can stay out of the Chadlands, yes!

    So I try to keep killing myself until I spawn somewhat close to the ideal island. I'm down to about a 5 minute swim along the shore which I chose instead of getting arrows shot at me. Outside of a harbor, floating in the water, is a body and it's loaded for a few hours into a new wipe. 100 scrap, shotty, cross bow, arrows, meds, food, bullets, yes! Also there was some things that needed to be recycled. Since I had no cloth for a sleeping bag, I decided to stop at lighthouse to recycle some rope, get some cloth, then put a bag and some stashes down on the island while I work on a base. I just finish recycling and sorting my inventory quick when a fucking mini-heli swoops in and semi's me to dead. Fuck. Tough start, but I was able to swim back again to the island, less pitstops this time.

    Once on the island, I struggle to get some hemp in pitch black, but finally get enough to place a sleeping bag. Then I decide to go up to the biggest base on the island (already like 3 there that popped up while I was at work) and see if they want to be cool and not agro right away. So, I go up to the door of the base with the lights on in the middle of the night and say on voice chat "Hey, owner of this base, I'm not trying to alarm you, but could I speak with you a moment"? The person inside responds. "No way! No fucking way! Is that you"? "I don't know who you mean" I reply. He runs out the door and reads my name, and I read his. It was [Name of that clan] RANGER.

    "Ohhhhhh fuuuuucccckkkk" I think to myself. This wipe is going to suck. "Oh hi. It is you." I reply.

    "What the fuck are you doing here"? He says.

    To be continued…

    This story really only covered a full 30-day wipe. The continuation will cover things in this new, in-progess wipe like:

    • WTF happens next?
    • Hacks (not me, just dirty hackers)
    • A big raid
    • A bigger raid
    • A feel good raid.
    • Turning from a guy that likes peace on the island to being an evil fuck

    Also, sorry for any typos or weird grammar, I'm still going through and editing this…

    submitted by /u/EggdropBotnet
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    Help! Im currently stuck in an airlock when I tried to go deep. I need a rust suicide noise so I can bait through the mic. Can anyone help me?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Randomly crashing

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:37 PM PST

    Okay so I just came back to rust after a month break and I started up the game ran around crashed so I was like okay you know I'll try it again. Same thing. So I verified my game files and reinstalled and same thing keeps happening.

    Any help at all in appreciated.

    PC Specs: Ryzen 2600 GTX 1070 16GB DDR4-3200 hz ram

    submitted by /u/uhnospamanon109
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    What I see every time I see an "imagine post"

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:06 AM PST


    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:21 PM PST

    big whiffs

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:06 PM PST

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