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    Sunday, June 21, 2020




    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Youtubers hype this game up too much for me to stay away

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Another fantastic thumbnail from my artist. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Ok this is my new favorite rust clip

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Things that need to be added to streamline rust better for everyone as an 8k+ hour player

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Issues with rust that need to be addressed in my opinion.

    Background: I have over 8k hours in this game and I am very invested in rust's future, and have played every version of rust since legacy. I have played in large groups, small groups, and as a solo.

    - Rock hit boxes. In old rust the big rock hit boxes were great, and if you shot over a rock your bullet would never hit an invisible hit box on the rock. Now all the rocks have weird invisible hit boxes that blocks bullets if you shoot to close, leading to frustrating situations.

    - Farming In balances. In older rust (around pre NOV 2018) nodes were abundant throughout the map, you could find nodes everywhere, desert had more sulfur, grass more stone, and snow more metal. This meant that no matter where you built you could have an easy time getting your base up and raiding if you wanted, now most of the nodes are concentrated in the snow, with the desert largely being empty of nodes. This makes it insanely hard to build in the desert, and makes the snow very overpowered.

    - Fix quarries. With the addition of excavator, HQM quarry which was the only decent quarry (still bad) is now useless. Quarries need to be buffed to take way less low grade, and produce way more resources for them to be viable, or just outright removed.

    - Flesh out underwater. The underwater diving and boxes are rewarding, but it lacks depth. There should be at least an underwater T2 monument to buff the underwater aspect of the game, as that is one thing that is sorely lacking when all the resources are available for it. Another possible underwater buff that could make sense is to have nodes spawn underwater , which opens up a whole new world for farming.

    - Better rivers. Currently rivers extend only a few grids, and this means that if you live near the middle of the map, you have no chance to take advantage over any of the farming aspects of the game (hemp, pumpkins, etc) Make rivers more realistic and abundant by making them go farther through the map, maybe even bisecting the map. (Would need the addition of bridges for roads, which was in old rust)

    - Better Proc gen. Currently maps are very boring with their generation. in naked spawns there are huge cliffs that are annoying to climb, and the green space on the map takes up the majority of the map, and even on some larger maps the snow and desert are very small. This makes it so much harder to farm resources as stated before the snow is the only place where nodes are abundant.

    - Remove scrap helis/make them way harder to get. Currently scrap helis have changed the meta around the game. Large teams don't have a reason to roam around anymore, as they can just scrap heli to any gunshots they hear, scrap heli onto cargo very deep, or scrap heli to large rigs. This has also changed the raiding meta as almost all raids are done with a scrap heli, which often times means defenders have no real chance to defend when a scrap heli lands on their roof. Mini helis were necessarily for the QOL they provide, by linking outpost and bandit to anywhere on the map, and providing a safe way to transport things from farm bases in the snow (which is absolutely necessary given how bad the desert is with nodes)

    - Re balance monuments. Currently the disparity between the T2 monuments (airfield, train, water, power) and T3 monuments (mainly miltuns and launchsite) are huge. I am not suggesting nerfing T3 monuments, but rather buffing T2 monuments more. In miltuns and launchsite you have elite crates that you need no cards to get, where other t2 monuments you are hard pressed to get more than 2 military crates from the card run (especially in powerplant where there is only 3 boxes in the blue card room?) This is coupled with the fact that bradley is way too easy to take, and it gives you way too much stuff. Groups take bradley less than an hour into wipe with f1 grenades or launchers and HV rockets (given that they are t2 bps) and they can constantly take it over and over as it respawns quickly, and gives them many m2's, c4, and tech trash.

    - Make leather easier to get. This is one of the pet peeves that is not often thought about, but quite annoying. In many areas of the map there is little to no animals, and finding leather which is nessacary to make roadsign and metal armor is quite a task. Buff the amount of leather given to you by pigs and deer, raising them both to 50 from their current 20. This would help tremendously but is not a huge change.

    - Raise fire rate on M92, as currently the gun is terrible in its current state, as it is about as slow to fire as the m39 with terrible aim cone and damage drop off.

    - Fix the bag system. Currently people can place literally hundreds of bags anywhere on the map, which makes any pvp fights very annoying, as someone can literally respawn and pick up their set almost instantly. This is much more annoying on a larger scale, where some people just play to place bags and spawn at fights trying to loot bodies. Fix for this would be limit the number of place-able bags to 10-15. and limit the number of beds to 5. Currently the decay rate on bags isn't very effective at all, and its insanely easy to run around naked picking up cloth and recycling a few tarp and putting down tons of bags

    - Fix horse armor stacking. A person on a armored horse with full heavy armor is almost invincible, as the armor of the horse and heavy armor stacks. this is extremely broken as it is a very low skill way of playing the game.

    - Make barrel farming better. Getting dropped random bps from barrels is extremely annoying, especially when these are the most common drops from barrels and chances are you will have the bp already. Change the drops so that the bps are much rarer to get, or they drop the full item instead which would be much more useful.

    - Allow diesel fuel to be sold for low grade at outpost like it is on hapis, it is unrealistic to expect that all players can run excavator, and it is useless item for most smaller groups/solos.

    submitted by /u/pteaster3
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    WIP airsoft gun made by my friend

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    The Things You Find While Roaming

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    my first ever rust base

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    My Friend's First Minicopter Experience

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Rust skin scam making it's rounds again (RustRoulette, Rusty-Cloth, Rustflex)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I played along with the scam to show you guys their tactics, what they will try to do to get all your items, and how far they will go to do so.

    I ended up losing ~$20 worth of skins on purpose (no biggie, well worth the cost to inform you guys)

    So I got a friend request from someone named "Lobster" (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199015091444/)

    They target high level steam profiles to easier convince people they are legit.

    The steps these scammers will take are:
    1. Say they are looking for people to promote their "gambling website" in the case of Lobster, it was https://rusty-cloth.com/

    1. They say all you need to do is put the link in your steam bio, and he can make you win 1 jackpot a week.

    2. They ask you to go to the website and pick a name, and they will make that player win the jackpot. They will then make this "player" (bot) win a large jackpot.

    3. They tell you to deposit $10 (minimum) worth of skins into their site, so that you can join the roulette. They will then make you win said roulette.

    4. When you try to withdraw your "won skins" it'll say you need to win 2 jackpots, the scammer will then try and get you to deposit as much as possible into the jackpot. You will then win again.

    5. The scam site will give you a code that is used to withdraw your skins, but nothing will happen.

    6. If you previously deposited all your items, the scammer will block you, but if you didn't you will get a trade request from the "trade bot" that asks for all of your items as "verification" to prove you're a "real person"

    7. If you accept the trade, the scam ends the same way. If you decline the trade, and tell the scammer you don't believe him, he will try and phish your steam account login. My scammer sent me this link, and said "admin gave me a task. if you vote for our team. he will help. If you do not want. admin will not help you. or go through verification"

    8. The phishing link( https://cmgvg.com/) will work as shown: https://i.imgur.com/JabDJ1t.gifv

    It creates a fake popup that then asks for your steam credentials, no matter what you write it'll say invalid credentials. Also please always use steam guard.

    This particular scammer is located in Moldova

    Hope this was informative and helps people not get scammed, just remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.



    submitted by /u/_iPhone10
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    New player with 0 hours. Tell me one thing you wish you would have known when starting out.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Looking for some things to do in Rust

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Please post ideas for stupid things to do for fun, for when I get burnt out on the normal grind. I'm a primarily solo player, sometimes I play with my cousin and friend, but we're never more than a trio. Sometimes the normal grind gets a little old, and I look for dumb ways to get some kicks and have some fun.

    Please post ideas for a couple of crackheads to do, and we might actually do them. RP stuff, specially building challenges etc...

    submitted by /u/Why__Not___
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    make the road 20% bigger

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    make the road a bit bigger make taking those tight turns a bit easier

    submitted by /u/linchpin1337
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    Newb milestone reached!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Well, I'm green as fuck still, but I feel a bit like I've "made" it. I had my first toxic attempted door camping douche.

    He has been trying to camp a Lighthouse rather unsuccessfully since wipe. I was recycling and he tried to "sneak" up on my while on my way out. He didn't realize the shortest path to me involved a bit of swimming so he couldn't get near me. I had a spear and had too much goodness on me to mess with an Eoka.

    I went home and he started wandering around with his mic open talking crazy shit and trying to melee my door in an attempt to get me to come out. Just being super toxic and a general idiot.

    I had ton to build and place in my base, so I was busy for the 35 minutes he played Bollywood music. I heard a telltale heli whomp whomp and knew it was the attack chopper.

    The only time I spoke to him was to say, I'm getting ready to come out, we will fight equal weapons, what do you have. He said spear, and I said I'd craft one and he should go to the clearing. He said okay abd then I heard him get blasted.

    He tried to report me for "exploiting" because I baited him into the clearing. Now I have a DB, and a base with bushes filled with bear traps.

    submitted by /u/I_am_a_neophyte
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    SCUBA : Add more gameplay underwater!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    As a scuba diver in real life, i really enjoy that part of rust, and i think its great.

    But why go through all the trouble of creating scuba game mechanics only to untie some crappy boxes? Where are the harpoon guns? Crossbows and bows work underwater in real life.

    Bullets travel underwater from the surface, but not arrows? That is ridiculous, the opposite is true in real life. Having bows underwater would mean even end-game kitted players would still carry bows when boating, as it would be superior to guns.

    As i read in another recent post here, underwater monuments would be awesome. some old sunken military boat, that you can enter and open doors.

    Pickaxes can be swung underwater. I tried a hammer in real life, and the water doesnt slow you down as much as you think it would. So nodes and sunken barrels all over the place would be nice.

    Currently, scuba is only good early game, afterwards it becomes somewhat low-reward when you already have tier 3 and all BP's. There should be more.

    TL;DR At least add a speargun lol. Same mechanics as crossbow. Could work on land as well. Underwater fights would be nice. Kill your opponent and pick up his scuba air to extend your dive

    submitted by /u/Wargarkaz
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    What is the diffrence

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    How big clan is considered a zerg?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    How big clan is considered a zerg? (I can only put 6 options in a poll.)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Username357382
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    Dealing with death every hour

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    so me my boys hopped on the server and we decide to start playing I'm very new to the game about 10 hours in keep that in mind but every hour I swear I literally get killed and it's so annoying I never have an opportunity to go get materials without getting killed how can I deal with this?

    submitted by /u/Krybaa
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    Rust internet inconstancy and lag? (on only rust?)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I've been playing rust for a little while and have about 400hrs. Over this time I have always had network issues but ignored them hoping they would fix with time. Now this is starting to become really annoying because my internet will lag at random times for no reason. My internet is fine and I have had no issues with other games - this only seems to occur in rust. There seem to have been other players with similar issues but none of their fixes seemed to work for me. When I spawn in my ping will spike up anywhere into the thousands and when I'm running around my ping will just up into the hundreds from my normal 20 ping. Any help would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/umwoodsy
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    Found max amount of rad poisoning.. Giant Excavator is fun

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    The best start in rust?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Grub strat boys

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 05:38 AM PDT

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