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    Monday, May 18, 2020

    Rust Rust is salvation

    Rust Rust is salvation

    Rust is salvation

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Not recommended... too good

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    Time to raid

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    You and your homie in the base��

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Welyn Meme

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Gotta love signs not rendering in

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    When you throw the rock just right ����

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    offshore oil rig

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Suggestion: All monument CCTV cameras loaded by default to Computer Station.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    When you desperately need that charcoal.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    New Rust Map Making Community Discord!

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    New Rust Map Making Community Discord!

    Welcome to Lone.Design!

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    Who are we?

    We are just your every day (non-toxic) Rust players branching off into new creativity doors! With many hours spent within Rust and playing the game, creating new content for the game is a new passion we enjoy! Whether it's a custom map, monument, or even prop! Everyone in our community discord is ready to help you get started!

    What do we do exactly?

    Many of us within this community create things. We create maps, plugins, props, and all sorts of things, primarily in Rust. Using the map-making tool called Rustedit made by k1lly0u it has truly open a new era in Rust as far as bring something new to the table!

    Since this is a newer scene in Rust we see a lot of new faces, which is great! We always do our best to help each other out in the discord, teach people tricks and basics of the map editor, and more!

    Underwater Submarine by Lone

    How can I become a Rust Map Maker?

    Anyone can be a map maker! Start off by downloading the map editor from Rustedit's site. You can also check out the forums on there for extra support or to browse some creator's creations. You can also join the discord for more support with any questions or training that you may need!

    Is it very hard making maps?

    Not at all! It just takes time and a bit of creative thinking. Within Rustedit it uses all of the assets/prefabs from Rust, meaning you don't have to create any models or anything from scratch. It's basically just a digital Lego set we can start building with within the editor! The sky is the limit on what you can make, especially with many tutorials out there to help you out! I will drop a few good sources below.

    Map Making Tutorial Links

    Why do we sell most of our content?

    It boils down to time and quality spent working within the custom maps and plugins we make. It can take up to weeks/months to accomplish some environments. People want high quality work so incentivizing that by selling what we make allows us to continue to create bigger and better things! Though we do have a number of free prefabs on Lone.Design you can use at your leisure for your servers!

    What sets us apart from the rest

    There is a handful of different map making community which are great to be a part of. What sets us a bit differently than the rest is out response time to messages and general support within the discord/threads. Additionally as mentioned above we are in voice chats multiple times a week meeting new faces and helping others out! Lastly, the quality and uniqueness of work stands out from the rest. Of course, we didn't start off with high-quality products from the get-go. It takes time to learn the editor and learn new techniques that we are always here to help you out with!

    Join the team!

    Here are a few community screenshots of what some creators have made!

    Industrial Tower by WheatleyMF

    Star Wars Hoth Battle Arena by Nin

    Mountain Server Room by Lone

    Alcatraz Island by Niko Bolokov

    submitted by /u/LoneDesign
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    Concept for a Rust in-game internet (Very, very rough)

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    OMW !

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    When you wiff every shot...

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I think I made this man internally combust...

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Just got doorcamped for 3 1/2 hours straight, called the n word, and deeped on. Man I love rust ❤️

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Ahh don't you love it when toxic doorcamper call you racial slurs, destroy all your outside deployables, doorcamp you for around 10 hours through out the wipe? The deep on your base cause of idiot teammates? Cause I know I do!

    submitted by /u/Potate_Chip
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    Find a group on r/playrustlfg they said.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Tips from a solo player that takes this game too seriously.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I have played 593 hours in total 380 of them being in the last 30 days.

    TL;DR: Play for 24 hours to 48 hours at a time especially at the start of a wipe. Rust is life, Rust is love. For BPs (blueprints) research as much as you can in each of the tiers( there is a good list on Rustlabs for keeping track) , then use excess scrap to roll for what you are missing, you might even find what you're missing while grinding the scrap. I consider myself an elite farmer, rivaling groups of slaves. Completely terrible at pvp.

    Ive had the game for a couple years now but haven't actually started taking it seriously until just a couple months ago. I started a few wipes solo but eventually joined a tight knit group, where we are just a few solos that help each other, we have to have actually valuable trades among each other, we don't just give each other all the bps (blueprints) that we happen to have.

    I am capable of farming a tier 2 workbench within an hour, but more towards 3 at max (the slow way), day one tier 3 workbench, all as solo on a high to med server which ive been told has high pvp.

    I'm terrible at pvp so i basically play pacifist almost strictly, i'll run around naked and won't even carry guns, so i almost never fight back. (I've gotten good at dodging some guns but pretty good at dodging prim, bows, crossy, revvy and sometimes a SAR.)

    1. Find out what the dead hours are on your server, this is the perfect time to run roads, smaller monuments, and even big monuments. I've been able to do a full run of getting green card from market/gas station, do sewer branch/satellite dish for blue card, into doing monuments that give red card right into running launch. Resulting in 600+ scrap in a single run sometimes before recycling.

    2. Time management is huge. When I have an abundance of loot that i just wanna give away to my group, sometimes they are on their way to run a monument or roam SAR, I tell them that the most efficient thing they can do that hour is come to my base to get the best loot crate they've ever gotten. So in line with efficiency when you're running card rooms, you want to almost strictly B line to the doors and get the loot within them, you can do laps and the rooms will respawn by the time you get back.

    3. Rush fuel for boating. There are a high quantity of brown boxes and tool boxes out on the water but also a high count or red barrels for further fuel, you will profit, and then you'll have a surplus of crude oil to further break down and get even more. I've actually tested a super fast rush simply by swimming out to red barrels until i have 10-20 fuel. That is more than enough as long as you hit enough red barrels while out there.

    3.1 Get a set of diving gear. Same deal, but the drop tables down there sort of overlap between brown and tool and there are some actually really good stuff, especially tools, like salvaged, chainsaw, and jackhammers, along with traps and things you really want to research for the blueprint.

    1. Efficiency. Lots of emphasis on this but this is more in regard to making scrap/component runs. Barrels and boxes spawn pretty frequently and as you run them more and more you can get a feel for when someone might be running it too (less boxes, certain spots being looted already). You're also going to need to devote entire day cycles to gathering basic resources like wood, ore, and stone. Try to use night cycles for wood, you can get used to hitting red X's in pitch darkness, but also try to use this time to craft things.

    5.PVP. It's not even the most important aspect to the game, ive gone entire wipes without firing off shots, there are modded servers specifically for practicing pvp that give you targets are varying ranges including moving targets, you get all the guns and their attachments, and there is actual pvp like gun game, prim or AK ffa, also 1v1 and 2v2 with varying maps.

    1. Builds. There are creative servers and much like practicing PVP, you're going to want to practice builds. There are really good resources for solo builds that also include casual play (low upkeep, barely any blueprints). If you jump into creative servers and actually sit there practicing a build that is meant to survive a wipe, you can easily slap it down anywhere you go, and can even make multiple per wipe as a back up loot location.

    2. Know your limits. If you get downed enough especially after going on fatty resource runs, it can get really frustrating to the point of wanting to quit for good. Take a breather, play another game, eat, shower, do something else. Just know your limits, personally I will never allow Rust to defeat me, If i lose 600 scrap, 10k sulphur, or anything in between, full kits, armor, guns..I just tell myself easy come easy go. We literally just find all this stuff on the ground, it's pixels, it's numbers and data in some database somewhere. Anything beyond a torch and rock is pure profit.

    8.It's just a game. Allowing the game to get to you is the opposite of what playing rust is all about, nothing is permanent, you can get full online raided by any amount of people at any given time, for any reason. I've been full raided online twice in a single wipe (7 day cycle) and I jumped right back on the horse and got back to grinding, if we didn't want to grind things that we lose, we wouldn't be playing rust. Believe me when I say this, my loot rooms as a solo rival those of small-med groups and possibly even clans. Easy come, easy go.

    1. Websites/resources for Rust. Battlemetrics - it allows you to see how many people are online and it even has a crawl for when and who logs in or logs out, good for offlining ; ) lel. Also shows who has the most hours in the last 30 days and how long people have been online. (they gotta log off eventually) Rustlabs - lots of fundamentals of the game such as loot tables, what things recycle into, how much scrap to research something, what it takes to create an item and so on. Rust.io - this site is actually pretty new to me and im glad i found it, but you can look up the map of the server you are playing and it will highlight what is on the map like monuments, caves, powerlines, transformers and so on. Worth using.

    If anyone has questions about anything else PM me or reply here, I'll try my best to answer to the best of my ability. If you didn't want to experience the toxicity or pitfalls of Rust especially as a solo, you wouldnt have opened Rust.

    Edit: sorry for formatting, might fix later.

    submitted by /u/Wish17
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    Saw this dude had 4 digits in his name so I figured it was worth a shot

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    [Suggestion] Make smoke grenades block the line of sight of turrets.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Would be a pretty cool feature and really helpful during raids. Currently throwable smoke grenades are practically useless, and the nade launcher smokes are decent for blocking off shooting floors but still could be improved if they blocked turret line of sight.

    submitted by /u/Novahhx
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    When you try to be not racist server, by fighting with racism, but u end up being one.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    is rust ok for kids

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    i heard rust has a underwear option is that true and is it okay for kids

    submitted by /u/ThatOneBoiSHado
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    My friend do be lookin fine.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    rust group dynamic play in a nutshell - we ended up getting 6 rockets, 4 c4 and an m249 from the heli

    Posted: 17 May 2020 09:50 PM PDT

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