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    Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Rust Final Event V2 - Like to add to Concept Limbo

    Rust Final Event V2 - Like to add to Concept Limbo

    Final Event V2 - Like to add to Concept Limbo

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Please facepunch, add more roof option !

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    rust suggestions

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    2 squares, 1 light 4 sprinklers 8 large planters!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Breaking Bad

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    What Rust is really like - -

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    Explaining the Statue of Liberty Alliance vs Anti-statue situation (Rusty Moose Monthly, April 2021)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    Last wipe on RMM (March 2021) I experimented with my first Statue of Liberty base, resulting in admiration from many, and wrath from others. Terrorists raided the statue within 24h, but I was able to retake it with help, and held onto it until the end of wipe.

    This month, I built an even taller version as a base overlooking the lake at G7. Guests are given free bags to come visit, and sometimes we host experimental events such as loot drops from the top. It is treated as an unofficial monument on the server, and used for pvp, trading, and sometimes parties.

    Word spread quickly, and the server has split into two factions: groups that are loyal to the statue, or those who want to bring harm to it. Strong allies have built nearby to help defend, most notably the State Park Wildlife Preserve that covers the other half of the lake.

    There were several notable enemies of the statue, but one by one they've been defeated or raided. So far the statue has escaped serious harm, despite being just a 4 rocket raid. We're anticipating a final assault on the statue before the end of the week, and if not, all the Statue Alliance groups will be going around to online any remaining enemies.

    The State Park can be found at G7 for the rest of wipe, come see what happens in the last week of Rusty Moose Monthly.

    Bonus Statue Image 1

    Bonus Statue Image 2

    Bonus Statue Image 3

    submitted by /u/Vestboy_Myst
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    Never played rust what should I know

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Tommorow rust comes out on console I pre ordered it cause from videos I've seen it looks fun with friends but I have zero idea how to play the game itself if you could give me some pointers before tommorow it would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Zulphadead
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 07:52 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Late into the wipe, server's already like 1/3 of normal pop and I'm just farming scrap/BPs. Going back to my base I spot two nakeds hovering on the base, no satchel nothing and trying to be friendly. They point out a wall that's on the weakside that I mistakengly put on the outer honeycomb one day at night, telling we should raid it.

    I just casually ran around, 'check out' the base and run back to outpost like I don't own the place. Bro, that's my base...Lol

    submitted by /u/RabidAlarm
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    I’m new to rust and managed to kill two AK guys with mp5s I’m still shaking

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    Please expand the range of the base guitar

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    It was a landmine

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    Scripting might be worse than you think

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    This might be a long post but my goal is to give a different take from what most people think/say about scripting.

    I have been playing rust for a long time on both the most competitive clan servers as well as the more casual small group servers.

    I have also been a mod on popular servers before so I am familiar with script checks etc...

    I also play aim train servers for more than I should going for 8+ hour sessions some days. Game sense is very important and contributes to your success massively, but being able to consistently triple headshot can carry hard.

    Most of the clips posted on this reddit by people are of legit players who have many hours in the game and took the time to learn and get good at the game. Accusing these people of scripting takes the the attention AWAY from the actual scripters and puts it onto YOU and lets those who script or know scripters call you "bad at the game".

    The people who do script however are the guys on the aim train server you just logged on who spray you easily from 150m without whiffing while you both strafe countering eachothers movements. Spraying 150m while you both crouch compared to 150 while you both strafe is massively different and one takes far more skill than the other.

    They have a private profile or hidden hours with not many friends. You check their battlemetrics and they have only owned rust for a few months to a year.

    I am very good with all guns from 0-80m I fall off as you go further but am still far above average. I can consistently go 100-5 against even above average players. I easily have 15+ people calling me a cheater in a single day after playing an aim train server for awhile.


    This is an example of my spray at a short range while warmed up and already playing for a few hours. If you are already typing in the comments that you think I am scripting this post is not for you.

    Where is gets interesting however is that some of these guys add me on discord/steam wanting me to screenshare so they know I don't cheat. I don't mind and I am a chill/non-toxic person so these people feel comfortable talking to me I guess is the way to word it.

    What these people tell me makes me think scripting is worse than what I previously though. After meeting a person for just 10 minutes, these players will reveal to me that they script themselves or that they have a bunch of friends (big groups) that script without being banned for thousands of hours and that it is surprising to them to find someone good who still plays the game without scripting.

    Here is a message from yesterday, just 1 out of the many people have sent me.


    Obviously this is just a cheaters mindset right? Unfortunately I get 2-3 guys like this a week who will just splurge that they script to someone random on the internet they just met without worry simply because I am good.

    Some of them have even offered me their scripts telling me it will make me better but I obviously tell them no and never talk to them again.

    Despite how bad scripting can be, you can still enjoy the game alot. Just avoid the super competitive clan servers and stick to the community servers with active admins. The non-competitive community servers don't attract cheaters typically and the admins do a great job of banning them.

    submitted by /u/NerfNOED
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    Oil rig bug messed us up real bad

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Perfectly Cut Murder Suicide

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    Could Jeff Kaplan be going to work for FacePunch?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Heard Jeff Kaplan resigned at Blizzard....I know as of a year ago he had almost 2000 hours in Rust and seems to be a big fan. Could he possibly be going to work for FacePunch? Anyone heard any rumors on this?

    submitted by /u/Eviltaco5555
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    Video series inquiry

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:56 PM PDT


    I'm a content creator with about 900 hours in Rust. I know I don't know everything about the game. But what I do know are some basic starting strategies, base design, monument puzzles, and other ways to begin to progress.

    My question is...

    With console rust about to be a thing, and an influx of more people, would anyone be interested in watching some "how to" educational style videos on the introductory basics into Rust? Stuff like

    How to build a basic base

    Where to build a basic base

    How to choose locations/POIs based on your play style

    Crafting tips about what to focus on as far as progression

    Basic electricity stuff

    Raid defense and successful online raiding tips How to take Bradley

    How to do puzzles

    Where to find cards

    Monument loot paths

    Just some real basic Rust 101 type stuff that Rust academy tries to provide, but just so often misses the mark on.

    Please, constructive advice only.

    submitted by /u/Zymplify
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    Rust Billboards

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    Ranked offline raiding game mode

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    Now i dunno if this is an idea for the official version or ukn but my idea is this:

    builders can go into a private session and make a base, after making the base with traps and you press complete and save the layout. after that you will be promted to choose the starting loadout for the person "offlining" this base

    so for example you choose 20 rockets and 5 c4, a gun some ammo and explosive ammo. now you have to get to TC from the outside to prove it is possible with a limited number of lives.

    if completed the offline raid challenge will be accepted, now other people can choose to try the base in a private game mode where its just the base and them raiding it.

    there could be some kind of leader board where there is some type of score dependent on how many resources you had to spare when you got the TC and the time it took.

    one leader board for each base type ofc

    i think this could be a mode for rust where you can just boot up a small flat land and build the base also just for testing in general, i know it would kill creative servers but then again they can save their money


    submitted by /u/Syntax_music
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    Love/hate relationship

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:20 AM PDT

    That awesome feeling you get when you craft 4 satchels to go raid the 2x2 down the road from you!....That sinking feeling you get when you're killed on the way over.... I'd love to hate this game.

    submitted by /u/WAAAAAM39
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    So up until the tunnels update rust has been running on my pc fine. But 90% of the time when the game JUST loads up and I go to connect to a server, my monitors will go off and my gpu fans start spinning like crazy. Any way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Taqooo
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