Rust I like the new neon boxes but nothing beats the oldies |
- I like the new neon boxes but nothing beats the oldies
- rust moment
- When you realize the "I'm friendly!" was a lie
- Twitch Drops
- As a Canadian I can confirm I do not see blue when it gets colder. The new colors make the game look washed out and need to be fixed.
- I am convinced my game is scripted
- creating the exhibit
- I love the PVP in this game, but stop being dicks
- I don’t even know what to say. It was a reminder that I should download the new Windows update
- The strength of a Zerg
- Everything litty I love when its hot ������
- Rust drops
- The New Voice props update is so much fun
- Can someone tell me what is causing this? (image ghosting, check holo and around hand and gun)
- how to get a car in 18 sec
- Why was this added...
- So true
- I got a 5 kill grenade on Reddit Monthly, but I'm also a moron.
- Skins & Textures for wood/stone buildings
- My ak recoil control! I know it’s not great but im proud of it nonetheless
- how to recover from base getting completely raided
- This was literally on the hub LOL
- Not even sure what to call this
- I like the crawling update, but was disappointed that they can operate doors.
I like the new neon boxes but nothing beats the oldies Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:22 AM PDT
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When you realize the "I'm friendly!" was a lie Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:28 PM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:26 PM PDT Change "Starsmitten" drop to a General one. She isn't streaming or posting anything on social medias. She streamed on day 1 for 4 hours and she stopped her stream, because she died. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:56 PM PDT Seriously, sometimes every item on my screen has a blur applied with minimum cold, Dramatic color changes that happen suddenly based on what biome you are in is lame. The new colors look like a filter you find on some cheap editing app. This made the game worse. [link] [comments] | ||
I am convinced my game is scripted Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:01 PM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:26 PM PDT
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I love the PVP in this game, but stop being dicks Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:07 AM PDT If I get Eoka'd with gear, well played to that guy. If I get killed by an AK dude while I'm naked on the beach, props to that guy for getting gear already. If I get compound bowed when I'm full metal, nice shot and well played. If I get raided, unless it's by dudes who just want to ruin my day, it was fun, chaotic, and whether I defend or not, it's a GG for me. What the fuck is up with most people acting like PVP is an opportunity to shit on someone as a person? I DB some one with gear, I'm a pussy, I'm a rat, bitch, cunt. I miss a compound bow shot on geared guys, I'm trash, get teabagged, revived, and shot again, and they despawn the gear on my body. I kill a dude trying to Eoka me, I'm trash for almost dying to it, a dogshit human, sub-50 IQ, i deserve to get raped. Insult after insult, I've played video games online since I was 13-years-old, I started with Mw2 on xbox. Played COD for about 6 years, and near the end of my COD playing, I was playing GBs with high level players. I've played League, Battlefield, and CS:GO a decent amount. I'm 24 now, and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one who's played games for a long time and hasn't gotten used to this shit. We're all trying to have fun, and I understand that every once in a whlie some one gets a little angy and feels the need to channel their furious rage into the keyboard and the mic and just let it out, although even that is something I have personally grown out of, and it's rare for me now-a-days to ventilate my anger into other random people, I usually just vent by yelling at myself or telling a friend about it. However, I'm targetting this community specifically because every day I play nearly every single PVP encounter ends up fuelling toxicity, whilst, let's be honest, not every encounter in the games I mentioned fuel toxicity, just a decent majority. To those of you still reading to this point ready to say, "it's part of the game." Bullshit, it's not part of the game, don't even start with that shit. Being hostile in-game is part of the game, being a lonely "tribesman" with your bow or hand crafted pistol after spawning on the beach trying to take out the "scary" dudes in metal coming out of the big compound who have been playing for days is part of the game, raiding bases is part of the game, being hostile in general and even talking trash (tastefully), if you choose to play it that way, is part of the game, but what about every PVP situation in-game gives people this weird sense of opportunity to be an absolute fucking mongrel to real people outside of the game? Win or lose, I'd say about 80-90% of PVP encounters end up being random, trashy insults while I do my best to swallow my tongue. I mean for fuck's sake, I like trying to take a bow, or shitty eoka pistol into a fight against people with insane gear and trying to grub it, it's not like I'm personally attacking you as a person, no matter how much time you sank into it. Does that mean I deserve to be degraded as a human? Why the fuck do you have to insult me for playing the game? If someone tries to grub my shit after I've spent days getting it and they just spawned, it's part of the game, too, and it wouldn't be very fun if I didn't have to worry about little nakey bandits with a hand crafted shotgun pistol trying to grub my AK off my dead body in the forest. Why the fuck would I insult them for trying? What about using a compound bow as a tier 1 player to try to snowball into tier 2/3 gear makes any one deserving of being subject to dehumanization? Sure come raid me, that's fun for me. Door camp me, I'm usually always expecting it, and if you end up getting my gear because I wasn't ready for it, good on you. You don't have to say GG if you're frustrated, but what the fuck is wrong with people who feel the need to absolutely destroy someone's mental for playing a god damn PVP video game against you? I'm KOS, (unless someone is definitely new or bad, even then I might KOS) and I expect to get raided, grubbed, door camped, etc. for it, but I'm so tired of people being absolute shits to each other personally for PVP in a fucking video game, and then excusing that awful behavior with, "it's part of the game." No it's not you bellend, it's just your shitty personality. Nothing within the developer's discussions nor the description of the game has described Rust as a place to be toxic, a game meant for toxicity, and a place to unleash your inner-dickhead because you can't deal with your real life issues, and I'm getting tired of nearly every PVP interaction being a verbally attempted rape on my mental. Sure, let me go ahead and just turn off voice chat, game chat, turn off signs, and all the like, in a game meant for interaction because 9/10 PVP interactions can't end with a simple GG, or a lil bit of trash talk. Maybe it's my playstyle that makes these people frustrated, but that shouldn't fucking matter. It's a competitive video game. It's always, "fucking trash" "off yourself" *racial slur* "uninstall" "dogshit" "get fucked pussy" "suck a dick faggot" teabagging, reviving and shooting, etc, every time whether I win or lose, these being the most casual of insults I've dealt with. Wtf is actually wrong with ya'll? Like it's not an offhand thing from the people who do it. These people get on all day every day to do this same shit to every one, I've personally witnessed that multiple times. If you think Rust is a good place to let out your unresolved anger/mental issues (no insult to people who have mental issues, those who allow those issues to behave like a complete and utter asshole without seeking help are whom I'm speaking to), maybe you should re-evaluate your life because it's not the intention of the game, nor is it what it's meant for. It's just your dogshit mindset. Go get some mental help, find a more healthy outlet that helps you resolve these issues, and come back to Rust and enjoy the game for what it is once you realize you aren't defined by this game that you sink every waking hour of your life into, therefore someone trying to take your shit isn't an attack on you as a human where you feel the need to defend your "honor" and your "character" by "establishing dominance". It's a fucking video game dipshit. Just because someone's virtual character is crawling in front of you shouldn't give you a sense of dominance over an actual human to the point of trying to dehumanize them. Stop acting like it's okay to be an absolute dick to the actual person you're playing against behind the screen just because they're playing the game the way it's meant to be played, and just because every other mentally deranged douchebag around you is being an asshole, too. It's all just your personal excuse to yourself that allows you to be an asshole, and since you can't be held accountable, you're justifying acting like a pathetic disgrace of a human. I have fun on this game, but the people who play it are killin me, man. If you're into any thing competitive be it chess, video games, regular sports, and even combat sports (all of which I've participated in, so I know the duality of character throughout), every one knows damn good and well that being a disrespectful piece of shit is not acceptable, and just because you can't be personally held accountable from behind a computer screen doesn't mean it's ok, and your real life actions do have real life consequences, even when you're playing a video game, whether you think about it or not, especially on the more sensitive folk. Semi-needless rant over, I just needed to vent so I can go swallow my tongue some more when I play again, and fuck, if even one person changes their mindset about this shit, I'd be happy because this shit is just not ok and it's progressively getting worse as it continues to be normalized. I may have exaggerated a bit, I'd say about 5/10 to 7/10 PVP interactions end up being toxic. My points still stand. Edit: When I posted this 4 am essay, I expected to get downvoted and massacred for being a pussy over a video game, but posted it any ways just so I could get my thoughts out there. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well this was received, and that the comments from toxic dipshits who still found room to be an ass on a thread like this were not received well. It was a nice revalation to show that, whilst my playstyle may get me to constantly run into shitty people, the majority of the community is not shitty. You fuelled me to go back to killin em with kindness while I grub all the loot instead of just swallowing my tongue. I'll keep all the PVE'ers who just couldnt handle it any more in mind as I do so. Cheers yall. 👍 [link] [comments] | ||
I don’t even know what to say. It was a reminder that I should download the new Windows update Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:33 AM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:20 PM PDT
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Everything litty I love when its hot ������ Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:33 PM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:49 PM PDT Some of yall really need to chill out. It's free skins, and there's plenty of time. I see so much hate on the FREE skins because "It's another generic egirl" or "XxXRustGodXx7 is way better he deserves a skin." Yall its called promotion, these streams are popular and are pulling in around 10k+ viewers each for rust even if it is just for the skin. And if you think the skin is ugly that's fine, but I'm sure someone else thinks it's amazing, either way it's free. And they have stated every single drop that if your creator of choice wasn't included they probably will be soon, I wanted a Frost skin and here we are, this stuff is so successful they're not gonna stop the drops so chill lol. [link] [comments] | ||
The New Voice props update is so much fun Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:38 PM PDT
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Can someone tell me what is causing this? (image ghosting, check holo and around hand and gun) Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:18 PM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:58 PM PDT
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Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:05 PM PDT This shit is so frustrating, the worst addition to the game in a minute. I have no issue with the crawling, but being able to interact with doors and having 30 hp when downed is BS. This is just one instance where this change saved these guys base who had killed me as a naked and talked shit minutes before. Not to mention how forgiving it is for roofcampers who, even if you kill them on roof, will likely be able crawl back inside and close the door behind them, saving their kit, any other loot they have on them, and stopping you from potentially going deep, etc. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT
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I got a 5 kill grenade on Reddit Monthly, but I'm also a moron. Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:32 PM PDT
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Skins & Textures for wood/stone buildings Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:23 AM PDT
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My ak recoil control! I know it’s not great but im proud of it nonetheless Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:25 PM PDT
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how to recover from base getting completely raided Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:26 PM PDT hi , i only just joined rust and played on a not so populated server with like 40-60 ish people in it most of the times , i progressed not too badly with my friends , we got lvl 3 workbench and 6 aks , problem is that we got raided and got our base wiped completely and all of our 25 hours of work just gone in matter of minutes , i feel really discouraged eventho i know it was gonna happen since its rust , but now i feel like just going back to csgo and not touch rust again since they were camping our base 24/7 not letting us get any loot back , it really sucks since i really got into rust and played it 10 hours for 2 days straight , idk what to do now , do i go progress in another newly wiped sever? do i keep grinding on the server i was playing on? can someone please give me some advice? [link] [comments] | ||
This was literally on the hub LOL Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:20 AM PDT
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Not even sure what to call this Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:45 PM PDT
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I like the crawling update, but was disappointed that they can operate doors. Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:00 PM PDT I liked the prerelease idea, but the moment that it said that doors could be opened and closed while down, I was disappointed. They are already harder to navigate around because you can't walk through them, so I think it would be a good idea to reconsider if they can operate doors and that we cannot walk through them. Also I wish that screaming when downed was revisited or at least reconsidered. [link] [comments] |
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