• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    Rust Over 3k hours and I'm just noticing that eclipses happen

    Rust Over 3k hours and I'm just noticing that eclipses happen

    Over 3k hours and I'm just noticing that eclipses happen

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:39 AM PST

    The conversations you have on Rust

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:19 PM PST

    Charitable Rust raises $13,000 for Pencils Of Promise PLUS an estimated $140,000 in Skin Sales

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PST

    We estimate $150,000 in total so far for Charitable Rust. FacePunch is, out of their own pockets, covering Steams cut. Thank you FacePunch!

    Thank you to all who have helped create and run the events. Thanks to all who have donated. Thanks to all that have joined us for our events!

    We have just built 6 schools for children plus helped on a 7th. All donations going forward will just add to the good we have done!

    Thank you all!


    submitted by /u/Karsiss
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    Cow bell > Chad AK skin

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:40 PM PST

    Wholesome raid.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:50 AM PST


    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:31 AM PST

    My group went roaming and came back to find a group of 3 had raided us... My friend (4k hours) had no hesitation in wiping them all in... 3 seconds.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:29 PM PST

    First time on launchsite didn't go well

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    I am really happy with the result of this one

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    No, just me?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:30 PM PST

    [Suggestion] More default BPs, tiered "electrical manuals" that let you learn multiple electrical BPs at once, less (but better) junk piles, and gradually increasing scrap yields over time.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    Everything that needs to be learned needs be found. If it needs to be found it needs to be generated in the world. Having so much stuff that needs to be generated for players to find means clutter. More junk piles, and more crap that you don't want in those junk piles. Not many players even use a lot of these items. Making them default would make them available to the players that actually want them (me) as well as making junk piles more valuable. I haven't done the math on the drop % but removing the need for the game to create crates for all these things would do a lot to make farming BPs and scrap a little more streamlined and user friendly.

    All Research Only BPs

    -Bear Rug

    -Tuna Can Lamp

    -Wooden Signs

    -Picture Frames

    -Planter Boxes

    -Fire Place


    -Bear Rug


    -Wooden Shop Front

    -Spin Wheel

    -Floor Spikes

    -Shutters (add BP for metal lockable shutters?)

    -Water Barrel

    -Beenie Hat



    -Leather Gloves

    -Acoustic Guitar

    -Metal Bucket

    -Mail Box


    -Salvaged Shelves

    I know people will disagree with chair and shelves because of their usefulness, but doors are useful too. Boxes are useful, the small furnace is incredibly useful...hell just being able to build in general is useful and you can start doing that right away. I just think they are BPs that the game would feel better for having right away rather than having to muck about searching for them. I will admit I like the creativity in base designs to cram as many boxes as possible in without shelves but still... I just think the game will improve for having them default.

    Some Tier 1 Bps

    -Small Water Catcher

    -Sandbag barricade

    -Wooden Barricade


    -Tank Top


    -Long Sleeve Shirt

    -Miners Hat

    Electrical Manuals Not only do all the electrical components create a lot of crate clutter, but it can be extremely frustrating to complete your scavenger list. Electrical manuals would bundle multiple electrical BPs together by tier. Find a tier 1 manual, and you can learn tier 1 electrical components or recycle it for scrap if you already learned them.

    You could remove a lot of junk piles simply for not having to produce all this stuff. Not only would this clean the landscape up and make things look more natural, I imagine that could have some impact on server performance as well. You might ague that it would mean less scrap. To this I have 2 responses. First, you're gonna be getting a lot more stuff that you can recycle without having to deal with all these basically worthless items. Second, barrels could have 5 scrap too.

    Something else I think could help with server longevity, by helping balance group size and skill, is to bump up the yields of crates and barrels every 24 hours. Zergs, elite groups, solo pvp gods...these people aren't hurting for BPs or the scrap to learn them. They generally move on from farming junk piles...pretty much immediately. To them farming junk piles is simply an early game primer to get their play making loot machine rolling. PvP, apex farming, raiding and recycling becomes the primary source of scrap within the first day or two. By Friday they are casually roaming tier 3 with rooms full of gear at base. Traveling via helicopter and only landing on a road to massacre some peasant, still farming junk piles, and throw his loot on the ground for the meme.

    Meanwhile you got your casuals, late arrivals, potato pc users, builders, etc, who aren't necessarily stacking piles of juicy loot by the end of day 1. These people will continue to be reliant on crates and barrels...for likely the entirety of their wipe. These people will generally not reach the higher tiers, or by the time they do the server is dead and it feels like all their work was kinda wasted. Well if players started getting more scrap each day of the wipe that would mean that the slower players, or players joining later in a wipe, would have a chance to catch up on BPs by farming some roads.

    Say you are 5 days in to a 2 week server. Crates and Barrels are now giving 10 scrap, less people are farming roads, and the loot tables are improved. Now, when the server would normally be dying, you would have a new wave of players reaching a point where they are roaming with good gear and keeping things lively.

    submitted by /u/KingsNThings
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    Does Anyone Know Why This Might Be Happening to My Game? Only Happens in Rust and for Seemingly No Reason

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

    i saw someone post a pepe painting so id like to showcase my xok attempt

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:19 PM PST

    Would anyone be interested in taking a survey about Rust? Thinking about hosting a server in the future, would like to have a baseline of popular server rates and whatnot.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    how it feels to play rust, it stimulate your heart attack

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:41 AM PST

    Rust Skins | Cobalt Security AR, Oil Rig Double Door, Training Boot & Glove #145 (Rust Skin Preview)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Toot toot

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:13 AM PST

    The biggest waste of both potential, and space in rust.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:24 PM PST

    I believe the large excavator is completely useless. I've played rust for roughly 3000 hours all the way back until February 2017 and never before have I seen something with so much potential wasted. They hyped up this massive monument, comparable to the size and release of the launch site and flopped out this big heaping pile of shit, I mean come on. not only does it serve one purpose (zergs) but to the average player, playing throughout the wipe, I doubt they would even step foot in the excavator ONCE, besides maybe going through it when looking to go to a more useful monument or fights. This is a fully wasted opportunity and a big one at that, it could've been so much better. The price of using it does not amount to the return AT ALL, and smaller groups running rig don't have the inventory nor the care to pick up diesel. Among all of these problems the loot is completely DOG and killing the scientists to get to the controls is a task of its own. Now I don't want to go on forever on a complaining rant about tiny things I've picked over hours and hours of wasted time but all I'm going to do is suggest some cool things to do with the monument.

    1. BETTER LOOOOTT. i mean common besides the literal TWO crates that actually spawn here the loot return for the time running it is deplorable. The best thing you get out of this monument are the occasional pickles that spawn in the ONE food crate.
    2. Underground shit. As far as I know there is absolutely NOTHING under the excavator which feels like such a loss. Adding puzzles and better loot similar to the military tunnels with little pipes going underground would be an amazing addition to the monument. With the size that it is it seems almost perfect to have wires and puzzles running all over the place with little hidden rooms throughout. As well as hidden bunkers and underground tunnels this place feels worthy of a locked crate similar to the rigs. Call in the heavy's and that should finally start some PVP.
    3. MORE NODES!!!! its a fucking excavator, nodes should be spawning through the roof. not only would that make this an absolute hotspot for farming and base building but I'm sure small groups and large groups alike would love to farm bots running around with their clans jackhammer collection.
    4. The fourth, and final complaint of mine is the RADIATION. Oh my lord it is the most cancer thing ever. I understand that the launch site will give you rads from kilometers away and that's because its a GOD DAMN ROCKET LAUNCH SITE, this digging site shouldn't emit the radiation that it does. Its almost impossible to run past this thing naked and not get rads out the ass.
    5. (I lied 4 wasn't the final) the actual final point, the absolutely disgusting price of diesel at the outpost. Not only is this a wasted slot for a more useful materiel but holy shit 300 low-grade for ONE BARREL, IS THAT A JOKE. It takes people like 5 minutes to run dome and get however many barrels are up there but according to the outpost they're worth 300 low-grade... Pff OK. Instead of selling this garbage at the ridiculous price it is, have an option to sell the diesel for lowgrade, this way we can get an actual USEFUL item as opposed to this shit that's going to rot away in our TC all wipe

    My conclusion, Facepunch wasted a whole ass three months working on this giant shitpile and it feels to me like it was a complete waste everyone's time, half the modded servers at full pop don't even have this thing on the map because its just such a waste of space and people would much rather launch site or mili. Please Facepunch do something and stop releasing disappointing shit, cargo ship and rigs are so good but this feels like a massive punch in the gut.

    submitted by /u/Failure01
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    Was outpost changed?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:38 PM PST

    I keep dying to outpost for no reason, spent around an hour just trying to get my shit back.

    I did not shoot anything near anyone next to outpost since logging on.

    What gives?

    submitted by /u/AlterD_Gaming
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    never let your friend fly the mini. Ever.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:52 AM PST

    uMod - BotSpawn plugin

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:29 PM PST

    this post is for experienced developers, to get help; in internet I not found any help

    Plugin link: https://umod.org/plugins/bot-spawn

    I'm trying out plugins on a local server (hosted on my computer), to learn and even to have fun alone (then in the future I could also apply what I learned on a public server ... I stuck on the configuration of this plugin, also because it is the first time that I edit a .json file.

    I would like to add these NPCs to the server:

    • scientists, explorers and soldiers patrolling the monuments
    • zombies that wander around the desolate areas

    Now, for the zombies I know I have to activate the following settings in the server console:




    I already understanded properly the rest of the server/plugins impostations, the problem is the syntax of the .json file, and if I also need to modify the BotSpawn.cs for this purposes. And, also, if I need to change more settings to the server console. At moment my BotSpawn.json look like this (and not work):


    "Options": {

    "NPCs_Attack_BotSpawn": false,

    "BotSpawn_Attacks_NPCs": false,

    "BotSpawn_Attacks_BotSpawn": false,

    ... },

    "Zones": {

    "GasStation": {

    "AutoSpawn": true

    ... } } }

    Specifically, my request for help is this: you can post here, or on any sites to post raw files, a BotSpawn.json file configured by default (with a syntax that works), then I will change the places and options on my own. the settings of each area? A file, so to speak, with two sections: options and an example area (GasStation would be perfect, why I have saved the server a my PG in this location with a little base), with a correct syntax (which I can't reproduce by myself, because I'm inexperienced).

    Thank you in advance, anyone can help me with this, and I wish you good programming, any computer program you are planning (hoping they are all good).

    On the Internet I found just this video (a bit more accurate and helpfull than more other non-guide related video/post about BotSpawn plugin), and tried to replicate it into my server, but the bots do not appear.

    submitted by /u/7OVO7
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    Has anyone else noticed this sticker at launch?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST

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