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    Saturday, March 28, 2020

    Rust I love rust chat

    Rust I love rust chat

    I love rust chat

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Just saw this mobile gaming ad ...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    It do be like that

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:24 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:56 AM PDT


    This is a rant post hopefully to fix this giant pile of chaos, grind, and cancerous meta's that have engulfed this game Rust. I have been playing this game, sadly addicted to this game for about 5 and a half years now and watching what it has become genuinely tears my head apart. This is my main account: MY STEAM ACCOUNT

    I'm not gonna go into the rant about how fun the game was back in almost all older version of rust up to about the pure aim-cone epidemic in summer 2017, but I will be using some older version aspects to rant about the core issues of the game and how they could fix this stuff before it's too late, and the only game I like turns into something unrecognizable. Before I dive into the topics I would first like to start off by saying I know half the morons that use the reddit thread are idiotic roleplayers, and people who have yet to experience the old excitement that was Rust pre summer 2017 and before. I don't care about your opinions, I don't care that you play a 20 pop server, this game shouldn't be based off roleplaying and PvE aspects and farming around like a moron. If that's what the devs want to go for they should have done that ages ago by making the already shit PvE aspects such as rig scientists hard and maybe put actual events in the server other than the aids that is Bradley and the chinook landing every 4 hours in a random radtown. That doesn't add anything fun, its just a time consumer for new kids who just got the game who think its cool to watch a poorly coded tank drive around shooting at people. Back to the main topics; how to fix Rust

    I am coming at this from a perspective of a long time player whose sole purpose of playing Rust is for the PvP interactions occuring on higher pop servers with other experienced players. What most people refer to as "Main servers" or "Main Players" now instead of just players. The 350-450 pop servers that consist of all the OG players of Rust, few of us remain sadly, and the newer PvP players who have the same mindsets for the most part. I play this game to beat other groups/players in PvP. That is the only reason I see in playing this game, if you don't agree that's because you have not had the chance to enjoy it, get good, play more, and you will see what I mean by this. Simple as that. Nothing has been more enjoyable and kept me playing this game over every other game for so long other than the fact I have the ability to be better than other people on the server and take their "gear" and loot from them simply because of the skill gap. That brings me to the start of the first issue in rust.

    • Gunplay
    • Skill Gap
    • Playstyles

    Gunplay has gone from intense, fun, and extremely skillful to absolutely no skill, back to decently okay. There is still core issues with the Gunplay that can easily be fixed, yet has not for some odd reason. In "old rust" the guns each had their strong points and weak points around each other. Old AK-47 was the most skilled weapon you could base the game off and each fight in old rust was intense, the fact they changed it makes absolutely no sense to me. Old AK was based off a randomly generated spray pattern that prevented players from just spraying you insta-killing you from 100+. Yes you could still spray people from those distances but that was only if you were good at controlling the weapons recoil which even then was still hard to spray. Spraying was for the close range battles. Players aiming capabilities solely decided who won fights in close range and far range with this weapon. If you were the better player you won the fight. Simple as that. The main purpose of old rust guns revolved around a simple difference between a good player and a newer one. Tapping. Tapping also known as aiming your weapon is the simplest gunplay mechanic that I think every game should have had back then. Old PvPer This video is the best way I could describe the skill in old gunplay with tapping. The other lower tier weapons (semi, p2, tommy, pump, LR, bolt) were all used evenly because each gun was good enough and had good elements that made them viable in PvP. Semi Rifle and p2 had the ability to be insane early game weapons that created intense starts to wipes and made aim battles fun. The tommy, custom, pump, and LR were good substitutes to go along with the bolt (most pvpers roamed bolt and ak) instead of roaming ak as the tommy was easy to control had a fast fire rate with muzzle boost, the LR was easier to control than ak, but had a slow fire rate and was hard to tap fast with. The pump had a strong close range and mid range with the damage of slugs (which btw are non-existent in new rust, no one uses this weapon at all). Gun fights were all intense and everyone valued every weapon from a p2-AK just because any of these weapons were viable in a fight. The current gunplay of rust is ridiculous. Scripting, trash spray pattern, and aimcone have torn the skill gap to shreds making any new player just as good as someone who has been a veteran. Here are some videos of average pvpers who simply have no skill killing others just because of the state of gunplay Current Gunplay Example

    Current Gunplay Example 2 Stand spraying with a simple S pattern and the plague of scripts has cursed this game to the point where these 2 players are no different than the older rust video I linked earlier in the paragraph. I don't absolutely hate the idea of gun-play standing up, as almost all FPS games include this if you think about it. No other games force you to crouch to aim and shoot, but I do hate the idea of aimcone on weapons in a competitive FPS game. I should not have aimcone AT ALL in new rust. Removing it would mean bullets go where the player aims, not the player standing up spraying 30 shots across a field aiming at someones kneecaps and hitting a double head shot. It's stupid and decreases the skill gap if you click the p2 and semi rifle as fast as you can at someone the bullets go everywhere BUT THE PLAYER. Log into an aimtrain server, test it for yourself and watch the aim-cone take over. Simply disgusting why its in the game, Wasn't in old rust, shouldn't be in this one either. That brings me to the last part of the gunplay and skill gap. THERE IS NO USE FOR ANY WEAPON OTHER THAN THE AK, M2, and L9 in any fights. Silencers were never ever used in old rust because they should not be a thing. The current silencer in the weapon holds no repercussions compared to not having one on. It's easy to control, no sound, and barely any damage fall of. Hence why the M2 the most broken gun in the current stage of the game is only used with a silencer. You can be 200m out spraying it with no recoil, damage, or sound and kill an entire group in seconds with it. The L9 should not be in the game, it completely defeats the purpose of the bolt and is a hitscan weapon in a game where no other weapon is hitscan and every other weapon has aimcone where as the L9 does not. Take it out, or remove aimcone. Back to the last thing. AK's are the only useful late game weapon. No one voluntarily chooses a pump bolt, or tommy, or LR over the AK. EVERY FIGHT on main at least is AK vs AK. Which is fine, because it means the playing field is even, but if you have a p2 vs. Assualt rifle, 9/10 times you are losing that fight no matter how unskilled the other player is. To end the gunplay topic and how to fix it comes down to this. Remove aimcone, increase bullet velocity for every weapon besides bolt, L9, and M2, and add some differentiation to weapons to make them more viable to use.

    This leads to my other topics:

    • Playstyles
    • Building issues
    • Grinding

    The current state of rust playstyles is absolutely disgraceful. There is no limitation to people's ability to hold onto every item they have instead of using it to PvP or Raid, etc. This goes mainly for the main server, even though other servers have just as many item hoarders as everyone else. The current meta or playstyle is basically broken down into this:

    1. GRIND GRIND GRIND ALL THURSDAY (no breaks, you have to plan your whole weekend around rust and nothing else or else you will fall behind and miss chances.)
    2. Take screenshots of all your farm to show it to the other 40 people in your clan so they don't think you are worthless and you have a chance of getting into other groups!
    3. Set up fights with other 40 man groups ( ALL ROAMING 2 WHOLE TEAM SYSTEMS, WHICH WAS PUT INTO THE GAME TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS PEOPLE PLAY WITH, INSTEAD IT HAS INCREASED IT) like it's some sort of meeting between two groups just so they don't get third partied. Old fights were just roaming the map you got that wipe and running into other groups based off chance, not because you set it up. That defeats the whole purpose of the intensity in fighting, randomly face checking another group and battling it out.
    4. SPAM BAGS EVERYWHERE SO WHEN YOU DIE YOU CAN RESPAWN LOOT AND RUN. THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE DUMBEST THING THEY HAVE ADDED TO PVP SCENARIOS IN RUST. Now that you can see your bags on the map and know exactly where that bag is instead of it being on the right side of your screen, you've completely cut out the intensity of "If I die I'm out the fight" Limit the amount of bags you can place and/or take them off the death map. That was the whole purpose of naming a bag, so you know where it was. And ruined the changing someones bag name when you ran by them so they would be confused.

    The current playstyles are solely revolved around grinding, grinding, grinding instead of having fun, getting some progress done, pvp, and loot wise, and logging out for the night. You have to spend hours and hours just to get certain things done which most MAIN GROUPS have bypassed by increasing the numbers of players in their groups by tenfold. It's disgusting how many people are in each clan now. Every group on main has recruited 25-40 players just to farm all wipeday to get to PvP stage where they don't have to worry about losing guns because they have enough farm to go out over and over again. This can be fixed by removing elements of farming, component grind, cards (virtually useless for certain radtowns, people can bypass them simply with a mini heli, defeating the purpose of them. Remove the cards, or remove heli's your choice) and the workbench/night time dilemma. Night time is the most worthless waste of 15 minutes you could add to this game. It's so dark you have no idea where you are and it eliminates 15-30 minutes of time I could spend playing the game, roaming, or farming. Either make it a see able night time or remove it. During those 30 minutes everyone sits in their base and goes afk defeating the purpose of me being on the game. Each night cycle adds up probably like 4-5 hours of playtime wipeday and other days which is spent in base. This also goes to my next topic. In the old component system, which is basically the system we are still in just with added scrap farm to learn the weapons/ tools/ base parts/ etc, you did not need a workbench to craft. You could queue your meds, armor, and ammo while running around looking or queue up base parts while running around the base instead of being AT A BENCH. I swear servers have at least half the player pop sitting there waiting for craft times at a workbench instead of time they could be using for interaction. Either keep the benches in with insta crafting enabled so people are not sitting there for hours, or remove them overall. This would mean once you learn the bp you could craft whatever you learned at any time anywhere if you have the components for it of course. I think this would create more interaction between players, players not worrying so much about loot and needing it to craft at their bench and give people more time to get what they want done so they don't have to spend hours and hours playing each day. This goes into something that has also plagued time wasting and staying up all night to make sure everything is safe. Base building.

    Base building used to be one of the most exciting aspects of Rust. The Building 1.0 and 2.0 of Rust had so many elements to it that anything was possible if you knew what you were doing, and you were punished for your bad base if you did not know what you were doing. In the current state of Rust you have 2 base building options. The classic circle or the classic 3x3 box. Nothing is different from one base to the other anymore with the lock snapping, prevention of sky bridges removed due to TC limits and base upkeep. Old Rust each base was unique and made raiding and building just as exciting and different as the previous wipe. Here are some photos to show you the differentiation in bases and the capabilities people had with building in old rust.






    And Phaedo82 who is an old Rust Admin and youtuber from back when the game was fun has a interesting raidcam playlist that shows all the different raid excursions and bases you would run into. Phaedo82 Raid Cams

    This goes into the issue with upkeep and privilege of TC's. Upkeep should be removed. You cannot build a sustainable big enough base to for smaller groups that a bigger group can't just pound when you are asleep, hence why people waste hours of their time sitting in base waiting for a raid or an offline. This is because of upkeep. Having upkeep limits the size, and playing time of players. People do not want to farm upkeep 3-4 days into a wipe which is why wipes end usually before the wipe is over for the majority of players who started on Thursday (Wipe Day). Removing upkeep would give people the ability to build what they want if they take the time to farm for it. This also creates an issue of too many bases and too many BIG bases at that. A way to limit the amount of enormous bases and bases in general instead of through upkeep is through activity on placed tiles. Say a door in the base must be opened, or a player must open the TC authorization to keep the base from decaying. Say if a door or TC was not checked within 15-24 hours the base would start to decay. AT A FASTER RATE THAN WHAT THE DECAY RATE IS NOW. Decay is slow now, just increase it a little bit and things would decay quicker. This goes into TC privilege. People should not be able to build near on my base without privilege whatsoever. Ladders and boosting are a good aspect of the game and should stay that way. The only way people should be able to get on your roof is through boosting, ladders, or helis, not building onto it with twig. This goes into multi TC's. In old rust you could build below a base if it was at a certain elevation. This would help with being able to punish people building in more advantageous spots with the old TC coverage. Having to cover your surrounding area with TC's was a good aspect of the game to keep people on their toes. Not just having 1 TC that can be infinitely expanded based off how many squares you build out. Bring back building on roads, walling close to bases, multi TC Layers for stronger bases, and having TC coverage go only up and not both up and down. Like it used to be.

    Having to farm constantly to keep a base up and make it big enough to prevent you from being offlined every night while you sleep takes time away from the player interaction of the game. This would also decrease the amount of larger groups who solely use players to farm resources. The Idea of the jackhammer is a good one as it was not implemented until the newer branch of rust. I like the idea of newer tools to help farm and the stages of tools added to make farming easier. I think the idea of seperating nodes based off color is also a good idea, and the biomes are a great addition as to seperating every resource based off the biome, but you should increase those resources found in different biomes into the other bio mes so you do not have to take time going from biome to biome just to get one resource.

    This goes into what could be done to fix the game or to add a different aspect to the game for players to experience any stage at any time. Developers say this is a full release game, yet keep adding pointless items, radtowns, and objects that make the game worse or completely change the playstyle of a "full release" game. In the past year nothing has been added to drastically change the performance issues this game has, the graphics of the game, which are horrendous as most people play low settings, and the lag input found in fighting. Players die constantly behind things, or do not get registered due to invalids and projectile loss. Instead we have gained the Excavator, which is almost never used and takes up 4 grids of objects that cause lag. The scrap heli, the bag meta of spamming bags everywhere, the circle road which limits the available space for players to build since you removed building on roads, 2 rigs, which are fine help add more interaction, the bradley to the radtown which has removed the fighting in launch by tenfold, junkyard which is the most worthless radtown in the game and yet one of the biggest. Remove the junkyard and add another Tier 2 radtown to go along with water, power, trainyard, and airfield. This would increase building spot potential and probably increase fps. That goes along with reducing the amount of gas stations and supermarkets there are. They have some loot tables but not enough for people to care about them besides the green card that spawns in them. You can get the green card from light house, and scientists on the road there is no need for that many supermarkets/gas stations. Going back to what I was saying was at some point you need to stop adding random things to the game and focus on what you have already implented. Functioning, usable radtowns, performance issues of the game, and server/client side issues such as projectile loss and invalids. Please work with what you have and make them more interesting not add more stuff that isn't fully compatible and defeats the purpose of items already in the game.

    My solution to the game has been stated and I hope this helps. This is insanely cringe that I wasted my time typing this as it will most likely do nothing, but it's kind of a last chance hopefully for the veterans of the game to see what the only game I have thoroughly enjoyed for the past 5 years of gaming has come to. I give you 2 options that I hope you consider Facepunch.

    Add a classic WoW themed client or servers that include the ability to play older versions of Rust that are promoted BY you so you can support and invest in them and WE CAN support and invest in them whether that be through VIP slots to pay for them etc. This would inhibit the cracked versions of old Rust worthless and also keep us fully devoted to your game instead of the idea of privately owned versions of your game. Meaning people will have to still buy it if they want to play your older versions released back into the game. If you do release an older version of the game I do hope you implement a small amount of things from new Rust that are actually good. Grids on the map, the compass in the top, map on death screen, node differentiation, loot tables in rad towns, and tools for farming. Everything else was pretty spot on already in your old rust. Especially the early component, to late XP stage of Rust. Probably the most fun I had.

    If not add older versions then add older themes of the earlier stages of the game such as gunplay, removal of aimcone, and building mechanics which I mentioned to the current stage and fix the god awful state it is currently in.

    Thanks for your time, peace. Hi Im Bear

    submitted by /u/hi-im-bear
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Words cant describe this feeling

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    7 kills including myself, with 1 rocket. hoes mad.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Automatic Watering System for Farming 2.0 - Set and Forget

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    In my near 8000 hours, never have has this happened to me lol

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I keep getting this ad on rust videos and it keeps playing rust clips. The game is a mobile game named last island of survival

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    What a great day today! Rare skin from a Random item drop.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Tactical smoke placements to keep my record

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:35 PM PDT


    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    I really think rust should introduce shields. It only makes sense.
    I say that because it would make Meele much more exciting running up on people with a chance not to get sniped by arrows/crossbows making melee weapons that much more useful and scary. Not to mention different combos for groups who may be range based vs people who are melee looking to run up with a arm shield and knife.

    Wooden shields to protect from Arrows etc, only enough to cover your head and upper body so you can still get shot in the lower body if not careful.

    Metal shields could reduce damage against bullets so newbs aren't getting ripped every second and have a chance to actually get away.


    submitted by /u/DenverAces
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    I build my first base. To celebrate that corn for everybody :)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Ahh don't we all just love this game sometimes :)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Rust youtuber starter pack

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    i am a musician

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    An open letter to Rust Youtubers

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Dear Rust Youtubers,

    While you vary from huge channels with thousands of viewers to some sweaty nerds who only get views from their mum and the 3 friends that play with you, collectively you've promoted the game spectacularly and contributed to its popularity immensely & the community owes you a debt of gratitude for this.

    However, recently I've seen some trends from Youtubers on both ends of the spectrum that are concerning. I understand Youtube is a hard place to make a living and its even harder if you're a small channel trying to crack the algorithm. You as youtubers have a job many of your fans would kill for, but like every job its not easy to just turn up and get the job done. You can see on some of the bigger channels where Rust becomes the daily grind, and the content creators dont really want to be playing it, but the harsh reality of youtube is that they have to put out regular content. Smaller channels struggle to get the spectacular videos they need to grow their channel.

    It seems that the pressure to put out great videos is pushing both big and small creators to basically fabricate their videos. This is not OK kids. a few examples i can think of in the last few months that Im aware of from the server I play on are:

    1. a HUGE creator doorcamping my solo neighbor with key locks for an hour, then presenting the kit he got off him as coming from the compound next door. He also claimed he got "offlined by two clans joining up" when he was raided by two solos.

    2. An up and coming Creator raiding a two man cave with 12 people at 3pm with 18 server pop and presenting it as an 8 man vs 8 man on a busy server.

    3. A wannabe presenting a duo as a " 20-30 man chinese clan" and claiming the JAPANESE trio earlier in his video were part of the same clan.

    Whats wrong with this you might say? Surely it makes for a better story?

    Viewers don't want to watch made up BS - look at rust academy and how hes seen by the community. Once viewers become aware of a single video that's misrepresented it puts all of your content - sometimes years worth of quality videos- under a cloud. Its fraudulent, scummy, manipulative, and you name and shame players as villains who aren't. I get it, getting good content for a video is hard, but so is everyone else's job, If you cant or don't want to do it properly, you don't deserve to keep your job.

    As content creators, content consumers are the people that pay your salary, you owe them authentic content. STOP BULLSHITTING IN YOUR VIDEOS!

    submitted by /u/vedds
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    Fertilizer should be able to be added to low-grade for cheap less powerful explosives.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Title, just look at the OKC bombing, Fertilizer can be used in explosives. So we should be able to use it with low grade fuel for a simple explosive in game.

    submitted by /u/XpyrogamerX
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    Some idiots try their hardest on Rust.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    How can Solo/Duo do well without being top 1% players?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Seriously, if you arent there for wipe day how can a solo or a duo get anywhere? Me and a friend trying to get back into rust after not playing for a few months. IMPOSSIBLE to get scrap because as soon as we go near a grinder, big groups see us on the cctv and surround us over and over and over. Its impossible for us to get anywhere in this game now. Play a 5 man group or fuck off i guess?

    submitted by /u/MettiFragsYT
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Hey I’m lookin for a damn group

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Bruh my teammates suck. I have 1k hours and I need people to play rust with cause I'm tired of slow pokes. Preferably 2x servers.

    submitted by /u/upandcomingtech
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