• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    Rust Did anybody know about this boost already? If not its now called the double trouble.

    Rust Did anybody know about this boost already? If not its now called the double trouble.

    Did anybody know about this boost already? If not its now called the double trouble.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    Why playing with F1 grenades is a bad idea

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    SodaPoppin's skin has been removed from the streamer specific promotion and added to the general one.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:36 PM PST

    1V6 Large Rig Counter

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:07 AM PST

    Other POV "double trouble" jump

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Here are the newest non-streamer related drops

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:21 AM PST

    Can't wait to get more drops!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:08 PM PST

    Can we finally get the moistcr1tikal door pls

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:27 AM PST

    FP when will this come back?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:46 AM PST

    Basically explains itself

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:19 AM PST

    Ever wanted to play Rust but couldn't be bothered to farm? here's FarmBot

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:11 AM PST

    the best trade ever made in Rust...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

    So is sodapoppin just not going to get on rust for the drops?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST

    because I read he quit so why the fuck would these people get picked for this shit.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Tony
    [link] [comments]

    Rust is in a super weird state right now.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:50 PM PST

    Half the player base says endgame is way to fast and easy, other half are lucky to set up wooden 1x2 by the end of the day and say the game is too grindy,
    Both sides say something needs to be done, where do we go from here?
    What is the plans for this year to keep the new players interested while not making it too easy for the people who's been playing the game like a full time job since 2014?

    submitted by /u/unforgiven117
    [link] [comments]

    Me when the 100 man zerg raids me 1x2

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:41 AM PST

    They changed the Kitten Mask drop from Soda to Everyone on the OTV Server

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:49 PM PST

    Day 2 in Rust: Playing for the first time without any knowledge of the game.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:00 PM PST

    Playing rust without any knowledge of the game, no tutorials, videos or help.
    This is not a guide it's an experience.
    For ease of reading, I have put most of my thought process indented into the post

    Backstory: I've been gaming since the early 90s so no stranger to the virtual world and multiplayer games. Somehow I was aware of the name of the game but fell into a black hole of knowing anything about the game itself. I know nothing about it. Nor at this point do I want to look it up. So I thought - Let's do this blind!

    If you missed Day 1 see:


    The start of day 2:

    Here is how day 2 went:
    My character awoke, with the sun in her eyes. Slightly dazed on the shoreline after her beating last night, being corned against a rock face, and bludgeoned to death by a naked man and his pet rock.

    Still naked and resourceless I decided to explore what my screen is telling me. The guide at the top right is telling me to collect wood, make and light a campfire still, just as it did yesterday. I finally notice that at the bottom right is my characters overall health, thirst, hunger etc.

    So ok, I now know what I need to keep my character alive and to make sure I know when to eat/drink etc (unless killed by human hands). I also notice at the bottom left of the screen what appears to be the chat from other players, whom I assume are nearby, seems to be a couple of people threatening each other about being near to each other... I understand why that's an issue already. So I decided to completely ignore the chat and hope in future to find a way to turn it off.

    So back to playing the game itself - thinking logically let's just get this done. Let's do what the game is telling us while remembering what we learned yesterday, that other players are our biggest threat in this game.

    I look around me and to my right, there is a massive wooden complex that I'm already assuming is dangerous and built by another player.

    In front of me is the ocean and to my left is a boat! Boats are a thing in this game? It's on the sand and I head over to inspect it. I have the option to push the boat with an odd and somewhat difficult to use the control, my character gives the boat a couple of shoves towards the water, but I don't want to risk death this early on, not that there's much I can do with a boat neither. So I head around the side and take a look inside. Where I find a fuel canister containing - nothing.

    I decide not to waste too much time in the open so decide to head away from the boat inland. Making sure I equip my trusty pet rock in case I need it quickly.

    I am in search of wood. But there are no logs or even trees in sight. Wait. I don't think I attempted to even get wood from trees yesterday! I was so focused on being safe! I'm an idiot.

    I hit the shift and sprint up the grass away from the ocean nothing really stands out only some bushes and rock formations. I continue up the hill where it gets less grassy and rockier.

    After a few minutes, I spot a bronze colour container in the distance and upon getting closer it's a minecart of some form. I interact with it and low and behold a small amount of "high-quality metal".

    So I take this (well dropped it on the floor and then picked it up as I pressed the wrong button) and continue up through the rocks.

    A little further up the hill is a shiny cave. Instead of going down it, I decided to scope out the area to try and figure out whether or not this area may be a good place to try and set up home.

    I notice some large trees nearby but in the distance and large boulders meaning I could potentially make a camp between the rocks out of peoples line of sight if I find anyone with their base nearby.

    (I figured out that all the little buildings around were players bases and homes)

    I find a quiet and hidden spot to stay for a while, as I open up the crafting menu. I need to build a campfire. So it's 100 wood I need. Already spotted those tall trees earlier (they are few and far between in this area) and on the way over to the trees, I spot some berries growing from a bush.

    Yes, some food!

    After some scouting, I learned there are two massive forts to my left and a few small and medium bases behind and to the right of me.

    But I have found a valley behind some rocks so hopefully, this may be a safe base camp.

    On the way back to my little spot of safety I notice a rock that has a shiny mark on it. Instinctively I thwack it with my pet rock and yes we have stone! It seems if you hit the shiny mark you get more resources than if you hit the stone giving rock elsewhere. Learned something new!

    I learn that rocks which give stone as a resource do break down. I tried to crouch as the rock got smaller when hitting it to see if it made it easier, it didn't make much of a difference.

    I decided to do a little more scouting, and came across several logs on the beach that didn't give wood resources and found some massive electricity pylons and some more players buildings.

    The sun was setting so I brought up my map to note where I was and headed over to the trees that I spotted earlier. Let's try and get that wood. Surely trees give wood resource?

    I smack the tree with my rock and hear a spraying sound? A bit confused but happy I was finally finding wood, and not really being able to see in the dying sunset.

    I then realised that alike the shiny rocks from before. Trees also had a mark. A Red Cross that when hit would give extra resources of wood!

    While banging my pet rock against the tree gathering resources I hear an odd sound behind me. I turn around and it's a partially clothed lady wearing what I can only describe as a fishing hat is attacking me from behind with a spear!

    My character falls to the ground wounded and of course, dies. 7 minutes in. At least I now know what people look like with clothing on!

    (7 minutes game time expired)

    My character is awoken again on a shoreline. This time it's an area which looks different from where I've seen before. Still on the shoreline but there a towering base to my right. I turn to my left and there a naked dead body on the floor!

    For some reason I assume it's my own dead body as it's literally the location I awoke, but no. It's got another nameplate and I found that you can attempt to loot the dearly departed. This lady on the ground had nothing to take. So I at least already know this is a dangerous area to be in.

    I equip my pet rock (whom I fondly now call Rocky) and just sprint across the shoreline, passing structures as I go. I pass under some nearby power lines and cross a dirt path or road and stumble across some metal barrels hidden behind a bush. I can only assume I'm somewhere near where I died last due to the power lines being here too. But I don't recognise it.

    I smack my rock on the barrel and notice that the barrel has a "health" bar. So I continue to break it until it pops open. Ok, this is a new experience. I've looted from barrels before but never broke one open. I find a couple of items within including "low-grade fuel" and a canister of some form. No idea?! I'll probably die before it becomes useful.

    I'm still looking for wood and come across a skinny tree. I end up gathering several wood pieces from it, following my recently learned "x marks the sweet spot for optimal loot quantity" before the tree cracks and falls to the ground.

    I check my crafting menu and see finally I have just over 100 wood for the first time. The 100 wood is marked off on my objectives and I can now start to figure out for the first time - the crafting system.

    Where I currently am is quite sheltered and not out in the open so I feel quite safe to try this here.

    I select campfire and wonder where on earth is it?

    I quickly realised that there is a "cool down" time for crafted items to be completed, the game just does things a little differently than expected, but that's great! I've learned to craft my first item!

    I take a moment to look at the way the crafting menu is presented and see what few items could be possibly useful to start me off.

    I do now have a short term idea plan in my head which is to find a safe spot to make my home. Preferably a sheltered area like I found before so I can complete my last two objectives which are to make and light the campfire.

    I head back into the rocky hill and open up my inventory. I select campfire and whoops I'm making another. I figure out to cancel the create item process by clicking the X over the item with the cool down. And realise items I have already am in the line menu at the bottom - the top is for crafting.

    I place down my tiny campfire and light it up with the "turn on" button, and I step into the beautiful flickering flame.

    I forget the one simple and long standing rule of gaming which is "stay out of the fire" so of course my character is burned by our new creation.

    So I run quickly to the shoreline which is close by - you know just in case.

    I don't know about whether or not fire damage goes away or you will remain on fire until you die. So the best option is to be safe and water is the best solution surely?

    Once the flames are extinguished and my character is no longer taking burn damage. I Head back to my campfire I carefully look at the campfire for any option. I can apparently take charcoal that has burnt on the fire and looks like I can put raw food here too to cook?

    I gather my charcoal and look to my left notice a Berry bush right there! Wow, that was lucky placement. Next to a small food source!

    The game still has not checked off the "create fire" and "place fire" options from the "to-do list" so I decided to take a better look at the crafting menu. There are so many things that can be made! Of course, I want tools because I know not how long my rock will live for if I don't die.

    I note that with my rock and torch there is a green bar at the side of the item on the icon bar so I just assume it's durability.

    I take a brief look around. Understanding that although I'm at the side of a large rock and not really in the middle of anywhere - more the side of an estuary corner hillside. Not seeing anyone about I am cautious due to the light of my fire. Although it is daytime.

    I now am focused on making a hatchet. I need some more wood and stone.

    Seeing no movement I take a couple of steps left and harvest the red berry fruit. Which has also given me some seeds!

    I plant the seeds nearby and then see a whole menu on the "condition" of the growing new sprouts. Well, that's a bit more in-depth than I expected. I'm quite impressed!

    I eat the red berries as my health is at 80. I don't know if that's good or bad but it's pretty low down the scale of hunger and figure it could be improved.

    I take a rest until my campfire burns down and I collect the remaining charcoal. I don't know if it's useful at this point. But waste not, want not!

    The game music suddenly starts and scares the living crap out of me. Quickly looking left to right and realising there is nothing around me I settle back down.

    My response was illogically logical - if that makes sense - Now I'm unsure whether or not the in-game music is a bit like Minecraft where it symbolises "day to night" transitions, does it indicate that there is "danger nearby" like World of Warcraft or is it just ambient and the song changed like RDR2. Either way, I will find out eventually.

    I wander around my immediate area stating to look for more plants and rocks. I quickly learn that not all rocks produce stone. Some rocks do nothing. It's going to be a lot of trial and error to work out which is which.

    I loot my charcoal from the campfire one last time, extinguish the flame and take the remaining wood.

    I come across a very tall pine tree and continue to hit it (trying to hit the x for optimal looting) and gather quite a decent amount of wood. And while doing so I notice another person's base at the bottom of the other side of the hill.

    So this area isn't as safe as I thought but ok let's think safe - for now.

    I continue hitting the tree until I hear it start to creak. At this point, I think to myself there is more chance a person hearing a full tree falling than just hitting it - giving away my location so I move on.

    The tree prior to this moment didnt make any creaking noises, so I am only assuming at this point maybe after a few more hits it will fall? I will investigate further in future.

    Heading back to my little campfire I see another player on the beach below riding a horse! I'm impressed!

    Every game I play has horses in it so even though I've seen them at the ranch I've never seen one being ridden. As a woman I am drawn to the pretty things in life, espeically games with horses!

    Thankfully they ride past me and so nothing bad happens.
    With my new found wood I craft a spear.

    While this won't help me gathering wood or stone, I have a better chance of protecting myself and possibly hunting! The only animals I've seen are horses but I'm also sure that I've missed a lot too.

    I head away on foot towards the shoreline and think maybe there are fish?

    I don't know if this is a thing but it's worth looking for now at least.

    After a minute or two I don't see a single tiddler (small fish). So I head back up to camp.

    The light is now fading so I've assumed music may indicate "day/night" changes in-game.

    Looking around assessing my situation. I do need shelter. I'm going to have to figure out how to build now. While doing so I see a tree just appear.

    So I guess trees respawn overtime after being chapped down. That's good to know!

    I really need to figure out what rocks can be broken down for stone so I end up taking my pet rock and bashing different rock formations. Coming up with nothing other than the "you cannot gather anything here" message.

    Walking up the hill I also find another players base. Only a small one but I really didn't expect it to be there. I was putting off using my torch because with the fading light it was harder to see but other players would spot me a mile away running naked through the lands.

    As the large moon rises beautifully above the hills in front of me. Apparently, I was not alone.


    Lying injured on the floor not seeing anyone around. I'm confused. My character breathes one last breath and the game informs "killed by crossbow". Great.

    At least I now know that ranged weapons exist.
    (13 game time expired since last death)

    Waking up on the beach again. A large building on my right, pylons on my right along with a naked dead person. I head over - nope it's not me nor do they have any belongings.

    Are there always dead people where you spawn? Im sure I will find out! I'm clearly not in the same area as before and as always lost everything apart from my pet rock and torch. The area has a lot of grasslands and no trees nearby.

    So I pick a direction through the grass and sprint since being in the open is a bad idea.

    I come across a skinny tree hit it with my pet rock Rocky and loot the wood before the tree falls to the ground.

    Heading towards a Rocky outcrop I come across a sleeping bag. I find a plateau area midway up this rocky outcrop. To the rear is a woodland area where the ground cover is red colour and there are quite a few trees.

    Finding a sheltered spot - I open the crafting menu and take a look at the blueprint thing.

    This is what I'm supposed to use to build my base I guess. I look round the crafting menu and see I can also make doors... what about walls? It's not obvious but I guess I will figure this out. I find a suitable area and place my foundation down on the ground.

    I head out to find more building materials. And stumble across another sleeping bag a few metres away from camp. But don't find any people. Which is good.

    I wonder how my character knows how to build everything. I contemplate the reason why I can't build walls is that maybe I don't have a blueprint or something. Maybe only things you touch you learn. I really have no clue.

    To find out I take a trip over to a nearby building and hit a metal side with my rock. Nothing happened so I quickly headed back to my camp spot.

    Searching again through the crafting menu I don't find walls as an option. But I'm sure I will figure it out.

    I head back out to gather some more wood and return to camp. I make a spear for protection and for hunting. I head back out and come across a cave.

    Within the cave, I manage to gather some resources including sulfur ore and stones. As I was hitting the rocks I heard what I first assumed was gunshots! Startled I realised it was actually the echo of my rock bashing in the cave itself.

    After grabbing what I could from the cave I headed back towards camp. I passed an odd blue and metal structure that on inspection was a rainwater gathering device.

    Well, that's cool! At least I know that's a thing I could make in future!

    I arrive back at my base safely and start to look at the blueprints for crafting items more. I expand my foundations and notice with a right click of the mouse. There are more options! That's how you make walls, roofs, windows and door frames etc. So my little 2x2 base has walls, a window and a door frame.

    Ive learned to build a basic base!

    I craft a door and a lock along with a wooden box. I place the door in the doorframe and use floor panels to create a flat roof. (As I would in Fallout4) I even manage to figure out how to affix the lock, make a key and lock it too.

    I go inside my new little cabin and place inside the wooden box my gathered items. So if I get killed. Maybe I won't lose everything.

    Now I realise that every time I die I spawn somewhere random.

    I open up the map and mark my camp location. So now I need to figure out how to make my spawn point here.

    Does the camp auto make that a spawn point? Maybe not. Although I have seen a lot of sleeping bags about. That might be it!

    I go to the crafting section and read the info on the item. And yes sleeping bags are spawn points. But I don't have any cloth.

    I look down at my health bar and my hunger is in Red saying "starving". Well, I best head out to find some food.

    I head over the hill with my pet rock, torch and spear. Find some mushrooms in the nearby wood!

    Great. There's quite a few there so my hunger is now okay for now at least.

    I turn around and spot movement in the dying light. The silhouette of a person running through the trees. This is not good.

    I try and run but it's too late.
    My character hits the ground and dies.

    (17 minutes game time expired since last death - 37 Real Minutes Played)

    This has been my second day playing Rust.
    I have learned a lot more and of course, I have a lot more to learn.

    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Note: I may have to go back and edit this post to improve grammar & formatting. I am not looking for help i am simply learning the game from the game itself. Would I recommend this method to others? No. Is it an experience - yes.

    submitted by /u/TalesFromTrails
    [link] [comments]

    There goes 750 scrap...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:51 AM PST

    Tried something other than sunsets, turned out to be my favorite so far

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:27 PM PST

    How To Make A Good Base Design - Rust Guide 2021

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:33 AM PST

    They added Nebula Pants, Nebula Hoodie, Ornate Tempered Revolver as common drops

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:07 AM PST

    Driving a car ONTO Cargo

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:07 AM PST

    They call me the Pale Rider

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:02 PM PST

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