• Breaking News

    Monday, July 5, 2021

    Rust All of the skins for Twitch Drop Round 9 have been confirmed

    Rust All of the skins for Twitch Drop Round 9 have been confirmed

    All of the skins for Twitch Drop Round 9 have been confirmed

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Sums it up…

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    This new crawling update is insane

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    I paint on signs to decorate my base

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    Family is stronger that any zerg.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Anyone else noticed the blue filter that now turns on when you go into the snow? Its horrible to look at

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    free airdrop on EU Main?!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Me on the Beach looking for boats so I can get to cargo

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: the new downing system is bad for the game

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    I have the game for 3 years and got about 2.7k hours, so Im not new to contraversial updates or changes to the game but this July patch is my least favourite to date, just hear me out.

    Getting down in rust has always been a feature that has three outcomes: you bleed out, get picked up or have a small change of getting up by yourself. These scenarios allowed for a small amount of rng to help you win else it was up to your teamates to get you up and back into the fight. It needed more skill and scenario knowledge to win a fight if you or a teamate got downed. That has now been thrown in the bin.

    Downing a player is much less rewarding and impactful now with the new update as people can crawl away to cover, crawl to a teamate or even close the door in their bases WHILST down (I know this feature is being looked into by the devs as it is controversial). It makes online raiding even harder than it already is (encouraging offlines even more) and like most updates, makes it easier for big groups and zergs to win fights.

    Being down should be a players' final stand (so to speak): where they either decide to F1 kill and respawn, get picked up, or pray to rng gods that they get up by chance. Now getting downed doesnt mean much as you can leave a fight easily if your killer gets distracted. I dont think this downing system belongs in rust, although I do appreciate the amount of work that went into it.

    'Just finish the guy you downed' I hear some of you say. And yes, you can if you're having a short range fight in an open field but the second a fight happens in a rocky or foresty area, that player has so many opportunities to find cover- taking away a necessary skill gap between players. Or if a fight happens at 100+m, its harder to finish someone has their downed player model is shorter than their standing up model and so you can't see it.

    Also the new filters are very nasty- helk please fix.

    Edit: I should point out that I do like the medkit insta revive- its an expensive resource that you might not even be able to use (if you get insta kileld or example) that also takes up a hotbar slot. This I like

    tl;dr Downing someone in a fight is much less meaningful and bigger groups are easier to play as with this update. I can see why people like the system, but as an og and experienced player, I strongly believe it doesn't belong in rust.

    submitted by /u/iHazTekkerz
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    I just jumped a guy with 1200 scrap and I feel so bad about it

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    Loving the quality of these new cameras Facepunch, great choice!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:36 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Historical-Ad-468
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    July's first Twitch Drops are now live! | Who's streaming, which streams to watch - all the data you need!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Ahh, how good it is to be back. I missed you all. Thanks to Facepunch for providing another update; I love how we can support creators in the community, as well as RUST itself - all while getting free loot. Enough of that, though! Here's what you came here for:


    Here are drops requiring you to view their stream exclusively in order to receive their skins:

    Streamer Hours Streamed (Last 30 Days) Hours Streamed (Last Week) TOTAL hours streaming RUST
    Frost_ 17 0 2045
    kkatamina 71 16 23.4
    QuarterJade 72 5 16.4
    starsmitten 90 25 40
    Natsumiii 94 27 177
    xChocoBarts 109 27 28.9
    iiTzTimmy 138 34 158
    itsRyanHiga 183 48 115
    ShackyHD 187 49 8458


    Creator skins featured in the general drops (just by watching any RUST stream):

    Creator Hours Streamed (Last 30 Days) Hours Streamed (Last Week) TOTAL hours streaming RUST
    rpold 94 30 2672
    IOK 4 0 22.8



    • Data was accessed today, July 5th 2021. 30 day measurement was from June 5 - July 4 2021. Week measurement was from June 27 - July 4 2021. Hours streaming RUST were from all accessible data.
    • IOK actually has a Twitch profile! He's even livestreaming, as I'm typing this.
    • Frost_'s data may imply that they were just taking a break or something of that nature - over 2000 hours overall tells me that'll be one you should be able to catch with ease in the next week or so.
    • I'm personally going to go with kkatamina first because that's my favorite skin out of the drop - otherwise, I'll start with xChocoBarts and QuarterJade if they're available. I feel like otherwise, you should be able to catch everyone.


    FAQ & Tips:

    • If there's a skin you want in particular, go for that one first! You never know, someone may have a change of events so they could change their streaming schedule entirely. Don't miss out on it.
    • Following their Twitter may help notify you on when they intend to go live.
    • Make sure to sign-in / link your accounts to ensure you get drops.
    • On Twitch, you can check your current progress with drops.
    • Using old.reddit.com allows you to sort columns!
    • Shameless plug: I love working with creators and video games. I really love playing RUST and the community. Since 2013, I have been doing freelance and part-time work in the gaming industry to try and get my foot in the door. If you know any studio, publisher, or agency looking for talent that oversees community management, advertising, events, or project management - would love any referrals. You can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.


    Cheers! ❤️



    submitted by /u/hutchison15
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    Reduce Beancan grenade cost

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    To preface, here are the stats of the F1 and beancan grenades

    Stats Beancan F1
    Lethality 115 225
    Throw Distance 26m 26m
    Fuse Length 3.5-4s 3s
    Blast Radius 4.5m 6.0m

    So as you can see, the Beancan grenade is strictly worse in every way except that it can deal structure damage, which makes sense since it's a Tier 1 item. However, unlike every other T1 item compared to T2 counterparts, it is way more expensive. Each beancan costs double the amount of gunpowder compared to an F1, and unlike F1s you can't easily buy them at Bandit, you have to craft them.

    I think reducing the Beancan's gunpowder cost to 20 gun powder makes more sense to me (while lowering the structure damage and increasing the amount per satchel so it's still the same GP per structure damage).

    My armchair dev balance suggestion aside, my main point is I think it's a shame that the Beancan grenades hardly ever get utilized because of their absurd cost, because I think there's shenanigans to be had using them and them being an unreliable explosive. Everytime I think about crafting a Beancan, I ask myself "is it really worth the equivalent of 48 pistol bullets PER beancan", and I usually tell myself no.

    submitted by /u/SgtFlexxx
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    Started Rust up and my colours are weird with glowing blue hands at night. Anyone know a fix?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    waiting to go on a raid

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    Family is more important than clans

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    PLEASE HELP ME. RUST IS STUTTERING. constant, consistent, stuttering and freezing multiple times back to back in rust and only rust. I cant play because of this.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    I have an I7 8700k de-lidded with a EVGA 2080TI both on water with temps as low as one could hope for with this gear. 32 gigs of ram with a Samsung 970Evo plus NVME M.2 1tb.

    All other games run at basically max setting with high frames and ZERO issues. Its not a hardware problem as I use this PC for many other things and games. Rust is the only game that has issues. I used to play rust daily with no stutters but I stopped playing for almost a year and when I came back its un-playable. The game hard stutters literally every 5 to 10 seconds with multiple stutters stacked inside each other. Its like stutter inception over here I swear. I see drops in my frames and GPU / CPU load during the stuttering events. the only programs open while gaming are chrome tabs, discord, EVGA precision X1, NZXT CAM, and GHUB. These apps don't affect any other games I play so I assume they are not the problem although I have stopped them before to see what happens and nothing changed.

    I have spent the last month trying EVERY single video, guide, and forum post to fix this issue with zero success so believe me when I say that I have tried all of the easy stuff but I'm still willing to try more so feel free to mention more fixes. The odd are that I already tried them though.

    I have tired fresh windows install, fresh rust installs, verify steam game files, run steam as administrator, launch option garbage collection trick, power settings, changed graphics to lowest possible and every spot possible in between to the top. I have multiple monitors with different resolutions so I have tried them all. I tried unhooking extra monitors at times to try that. I have tried main servers with low pop and small servers with both low and high pop. server doesn't seem to matter. I have tried reverting to different past NVIDIA drivers but that hasn't worked so far either.

    I love rust but I just cant play like this. literally. its not playable. its not that I could play through it but refuse to. Its so bad there is no playing through the stutters. I'm not sure what happens on other players screens when I am stuttering but its terrible on mine. Its not like lagging or rubber banding.

    I have tried it all and I am out of things to try. please help.

    submitted by /u/KLOC_TOWER
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    Has anyone else experienced a noticeable drop in frames since the last update?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    My friend and I both noticed we've been getting about 15-20 fps less than before on all servers, curious if others are having the same issue.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Platform-1593
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    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    What’s with the new game tint under certain conditions?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Like when you are too cold. The game applies a blue tint.

    When you are too hot. The game applies like an orange or yellow tint.

    When you are too low in health. The game applies a red tint.

    Is there anyway to turn this off?

    submitted by /u/ribsarerare
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    How many jackhammers are required to destroy a soft-side stone wall?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    A guy near me built his base wrong and I'm looking to break in. Anybody know how many jackhammers are required to destroy a soft-side stone wall?

    submitted by /u/trap1234564321
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    I threw a spear at a chicken and this happened

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    First Time Streaming Rust, Gotta Love it

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    Twitch Drops Round 9 is now live with 11 FREE skins! (PC only)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:00 AM PDT

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