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    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    Rust At least I starved to death doing what I love most...

    Rust At least I starved to death doing what I love most...

    At least I starved to death doing what I love most...

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PST

    My first painting ever! Of course I had to make it Rust

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Made a rust coin in Art and Design at school hope u guys like it tho.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:30 PM PST

    I do art work using chemicals and rust. Stands to reason I'd have to do a Rust one eventually.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:26 PM PST

    Add a small table with a Chessboard on it

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:07 PM PST

    It would be nice to be able to play a game of chess with one of your teamates while waiting for the sun to come up.

    submitted by /u/Dizsmo
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    I Practiced The Ak Recoil Everyday For One Month. Here's My Progress!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:59 PM PST

    This is another one of the facepunch logo its not as good as the last but eh...

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:41 AM PST

    I'm *just* gonna run to the pumpjack and grab my crude and log off...

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:36 PM PST

    ...Oh damn sulfur. Oh man look at all this wood on the ground. SHHHHHHH is that a wolf? Meat for the meat god. OK. Going to the pump jack now OOOH more sulfur.

    OK. Where am I? Oh man ok the pump jack is East. Wait the water treatment is on the way, I wonder if the garage spawned any military crates? bangbangbang Oh good stuff LR300, nice, JACKPOT a turret, ok lemme recycle some stuff upstairs and head home and install this bad boy.

    Noice. Front door is a bit more protected OH DAMN IT I forgot the crude. OK. Lemme just eat and I'll run back. Here we go. Sulfur again! Sweet. OK. Straight to the pump jack no detours. Oh man that truck has a box. So does that pile. Nice, nice, that'll recycle nicely. PUMP JACK, GO STRAIGHT THERE NOW.

    Made it! Cool no one stole my crude. 1500 low grade here I come! Well. I'm here. Lemme just run to the water treatment again, see if they respawned. Shooty shooty, screw you scientist ok, let's go in...Bonus, boys, we got all military crates. Daaaaaamn 500 scrap and computers and cameras. This was worth it. Hey hey hey that plate armor might come in handy soon. OK, recycler then home then log off.

    Ahh, there's the base....oh come on sulfur and metal? Did I win the sulfur node lottery tonight? I gotta farm those. Done. There's my front door....huh. You know what? this place could really use another couple layers of half wall honeycomb. Lemme smelt this ore real quick. Oh this gets my roof out of the shadow of that rock, let me just reposition these solar panels for more sunlight.

    "Honey you said you were going to bed like over an hour ago."

    "I know, be right there I just have to rewire the batteries and the lighting"

    And that's how 5 minutes becomes two hours.

    submitted by /u/malren
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    Why is there a negative stigma behind offline raiding?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:12 AM PST

    9/10 online raids end up with the player getting raided despawning their loot or just spam upgrading everything and adding more doors. Majority of the time it's a huge waste of time and resources.

    submitted by /u/yahyeetohmygod
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    BEST Cheap Large Wooden Boxes

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Ah what the hell, I'll buy another gaming PC to play Rust again. What will I at least have to buy to play Rust on Ultra Settings? I used to have an i7 6700 with 1060 gtx 3 or 4 years ago but I got rid of it. Would I need a better one now?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:20 PM PST

    I haven't played in 4-5 years and I mostly played under the XP system, I don't remember any work benches, helicopters, boats, horses, or electricity. But it all looks like it could be a lot more fun now.

    submitted by /u/o0_rambler_0o
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    Either my Steam Items have glitched, or I've got some very unique Rust skins...

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 11:19 AM PST

    How many toots per minute does the turretrumpet have

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:24 PM PST

    I don't need sleep I need answers

    submitted by /u/Potato_King1234
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    Gun guide.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Bow: the early game skill cannon, very cheap primitive weapon that in the right hands can take out people with any gear set.

    Eoka: The first shotgun you can get your hands on, fires slow (if at all) and is super unpredictable but its cheap, default bp, and can be crafted without a workbench. Also it gives you a free handmade shell so if you have no gp you could mass craft and recycle these I guess.

    Crossbow: increased power per shot for a much longer reload time, always carry a 2nd weapon be it a bow revo or a 2nd crossbow. Nice upgrade over the bow for getting your lvl 1 wb

    Compound bow: Default bp tier one weapon. Early game "sniper riffle" deals massive damage and fires arrows much faster so you have to lead your targets less and the arrows will drop less. Also tap firing it deal the same damage on has the same fire rate as a fully drawn hunting bow but feels super clunky.

    Revolver: the first real gun you get your hand on, tier one weapon, decent at close to mid range and super cheap to craft. You can buy them from outpost.super quick draw spead making for a great sidearm.

    Water pipe: flat upgrade to the eoka, 1 shot shotgun that fires when you pull the trigger. Super cheap to craft and only a tier 1. Door campers best friend, often carried as a sidearm but it has a really slow draw speed

    Double barrel: Shot gun with 2 barrels giving you 2 shots, pretty strait forward. Bit more expensive than the water pipe but you can buy it form outpost. Tier 1 weapon.

    Nail gun: most underrated weapon in the game, Default bp tier 1 weapon. Not a great stand alone weapon but its super fast draw speed and fire rate makes it the idea early game side arm. If it didn't cost scrap they would be everywhere. Start crafting these bad boys early when you are crafting a crossy and thank me later.

    Semi auto pistol (p250): Most overrated weapon in the game deals five more damage than the revo with an extra 2 bullets. A good sidearm but with the crafting cost I would never advise crafting one. Worst tier 2 but still very deadly.

    Python: highest base damage outside of snipers and m249. Same firerate as the p2 and the m92. Has a mean kick but if you pull down and spam fire it has the 2nd highest dps in the game, only losing out to the m249. Expensive tier weapon, better as a primary than a side arm because of the slowish draw speed thanks to the weird little spin you do.

    Semi auto riffle (sar): once you hit mid game this becomes the defult weapon. Relatively cheap to craft at a lvl 2 workbench and very plentiful. Between tons of other players crafting the and the common spawn rates you shouldn't need to craft many if any of these but I would learn the bp. Good but not insane at all ranges. The cheapest way to explosive ammo raid as well.

    Pump action shotgun: If one is good and 2 is better than 6 is fantastic. tier 2 weapon that allows you to fire 6 shells before reloading. Can have a suppressor equipped, making it handy for breaking tc's and wooden doors as well as replacing a crossbow for a naked removal tool when you can't afford to make noise.

    Thompson: hardest hitting smg but has the slowest fire rate. Great for short mid range falls off at long range.

    Custom smg: lowest dmg per shot of any full auto weapon but an insanely high (tied for highest) rate of fire. Also has the least recoil of all automatic weapons.

    MP5A4: Tied with the custom for highest rate of fire with more damage per shot. Carries more ammo in the mag. Has a wicked side to side recoil but very little climb, laser really helps this gun. Nearly identical dps to the ak ideal weapon for close to mid range. Tier 3 weapon

    Assault riffle (ak47): The very best there is. widely considered the best weapon in the game. Not really the best gun at any given range but it is one of the best at almost any range. The recoil is wicked, hardest to control in the game but it has to be that way for balance. In the right hands there is nothing this weapon can't do, the endgame skill cannon. Tier 3 weapon.

    Bolt action riffle: tier 3 sniper riffle. 80 damage per shot with a 2x head shot multiplier. Some of the best iron sight in the game making a scope not needed per say but the scope does dramatically improve the weapon.

    M92: Military pistol best pistol in the game, very low recoil and very high damage. Best gun for incendiary ammo in the game, the difference between 45 dmg per shot and 50 is massive. Can not be crafted.

    M39: Military semi auto riffle, Good fire rate and dmg per shot, can 1 shot headshot naked. with a scope can be very good at combating snipers, or atleast pinning them down. Can also be deadly at close range, 4 shots to the chest will kill a full metal kit. can not be crafted.

    Spas-12: military shotgun. Like the pump action it holds 6 shotgun shells, has a lower damage than the other shotguns in the game but has a much faster fire rate than the pump action. Can also have a silencer. I prefer the pump overall and don't think the spas deserves its rarity.

    Lr-300: Military assault riffle, Slightly lower dps than the ak. The lr deals less dmg per shot but shots faster than its t3 brother. The recoil is much more manageable. For most players it is the best all around gun they can get their hands on but with pratice it is slightly outclassed by the AK.

    L96: deals the same damage per shot as the Bolt (I know I didn't believe it at first either) Gets one extra bullet in the mag and reloads faster. It fires the bullets much faster which reduces both bullet drop and damage fall off. No iron sight of any sort, not having a sight renders the weapon close to unusable. Can not be crafted

    M249: The only LMG in the game and of course you can got craft this beast. Ungodly dps and with 100 rounds in the mag the dmg just keeps coming. The reload time is very long but if you dump 100 round in something and its still shooting back you deserve to lose this gun.

    submitted by /u/button182
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    Dear nakeds :)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:38 PM PST

    Stop fucking complaining about me killing you when you have a spear and are looking at me like you want to shove said spear up my bum. Ps. Easy target practice.

    submitted by /u/zza1l
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    Ways to reduce midi/instrument lag in rust?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    Today I started playing rust again after a semi-long time of not playing it (played last at least before the instrument dlc). Being a musician this dlc excited me and I wasted no time hooking up a midi keyboard and playing away.

    I honestly love this idea, and running around with for example a playable trumpet to pump out medieval battle tunes in the rust world fills my heart with childlike joy. Or doing some epic drumfills while my foes start to rocket my base. Going down in style, always been a big fan of it.

    The only thing keeping this addition from being truly awesome is the input lag. I've used this particular midi keyboard on this pc to record many things, and in my daw(recording/editing software) it is pretty much lagless. And since my search across the world wide web for settings in rust (like how to increase my rust audio buffer with a console command crossed my mind, but I havent been able to find out how do it, or if it's possible) came up empty, I'm now here to ask you, the braniacs or creative thinkers of reddit if anyone already found a way to reduce input lag on instruments/midi in rust. Or if anyone has any ideas that might possibly work/help/point me in the right direction.

    If we were to succeed in bringing down the lag to an actually playable level it would make me instantly be a roof camper. But a roof camper of the best kind. For you see, I'm not the kind of guy that sits on a roof, crouching, searching for unaware victims who's life to bring to an end in a cowardly way. I simply havent got the patience, nor the desire... No I would be the new kind of roof camper. The town radio. And the reason the neighbours get no sleep at all!

    So please, any information or ideas are welcome!



    submitted by /u/parlepiep
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    Was the drowning timer changed?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:52 PM PST

    I used to be able to time myself from 1-9sec and surface right before the drowning damage ticked on the 10th second

    (in order to swim silently, no feet splashing)

    Now I have noticed it is much shorter, closer to 6 seconds.

    Was this secretly changed?

    submitted by /u/WilllOfD
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    best rad town for solo?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Any updates on console rust?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:06 PM PST

    I remember them saying it will come in spring but I haven't found any updates on it, anyone have anything?

    submitted by /u/Desperate_Soup
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    How do you craft one of these trading things? waht are they called

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:27 PM PST

    Skins that go with the Stainless Facemask

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:18 PM PST

    I recently bought the stainless facemask because I like the way it looks, but i'm having trouble finding skins to go with it, can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/skydmore
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    Question for the Rust Veterans

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 02:55 PM PST

    Just logged in to getting raided the day before wipe. (Play on a modded weekly wipe server). I'm a shit pvp'er. I like collecting materials, salvaging, diving in the ocean and base building. I like the idea of PvP. But I'm shit at it. My KD is probably .5 or less.

    To the question, how do you guys deal with getting offlined and losing all your shit? Do you just find a new server? Suck it up and try to snowball for the rest of wipe? Or just play something else till next wipe?

    submitted by /u/Sylar_Is_An_Asshole
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