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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Rust title

    Rust title


    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    It makes animals more interesting.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:03 PM PST

    The average Rust player

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:06 PM PST


    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:46 PM PST

    “Dredge” watercolor

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:30 AM PST

    Floor Triangle Frustrates Me

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:06 PM PST


    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:03 PM PST

    Could you imagine being this bad

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:15 PM PST

    I offered a guy a hobo barrel for some food, He said no. So I spent 6 hours and 20 minutes of my life to surround his base with Hobo barrels. The server is vanilla, and yes, I spent 6+ hours of my life doing this.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:13 PM PST

    This time, I went around asking Rust who would they kill if they could get away with it

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:37 PM PST

    Fell off of the rail on accident, ended up making an absolute cheeker of a play

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:23 PM PST

    Drone delivery! - currently planned for Feb 4th Patch.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:11 PM PST

    Feel good moment in Rust

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:00 AM PST

    First Signs of Addiction (prayers for my friend ������)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:49 PM PST

    My sister painted my shoes to look like the monster skins

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:36 PM PST

    The Rust community surprises me everyday

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:44 AM PST

    Surprised Chinook face

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    Junkyard that produces scrap!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:26 AM PST


    As you all know, Junkyard is a huge, confusing, and time consuming monument to run, and you generally don't gain much from it. How about the idea, if devs could bring to life a giant recycler or some other machinery, like metal shredders that would work similarly to quarries - you put in x amount of fuel in it and over time it produces scrap.

    submitted by /u/Pecis
    [link] [comments]

    Just came back to Rust after 5 years, played through a wipe, this is my experience... <topic is cheating>

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:31 PM PST

    About me, I have 2.1k hours on Rust. Almost all of that experience is 5 years old, from a time before mini-copters and electricity. I used to run groups of between 3-10 players on official servers, and was quite successful. We were mostly successful because of my base designs, which were cutting edge for that time period. I quit and played other games, but recently watched some streamers on Youtube and decided to get back into Rust. Here is the story of my first wipe.

    I looked around for a server that fit with the small group I was in, which was a group of maybe 2. My brother in law was talking about playing, but I wasn't sure whether it was all talk. I looked around and found a server that permits groups no bigger than 4. Seemed to be a good fit.

    First thing I noticed, is that I cannot win in PVP - at all.

    I don't think its that I'm rusty, I've played FPS games all my life, and while I was never a badass PVP hotshot, I never lost fights as often as I did when coming back to Rust. I didn't think much of it, and decided that I just needed some time with the game to get back to speed.

    We got a 2x1, and eventually progressed to a 2x2. Simple little bases. From there we created several small bases all over our area. The population was very high, and you want to ensure that you have places to stash your loot that are safe, and that you can move from area to area if things get hot.

    After say 3 days we had saved enough to put up a "main" base. I went with a 3x4 floor plan including a suicide room in one of the central squares. I got it up, and we finally wound up with a decent base that would probably not be raided quickly. The base was near a mining outpost, a road, and power plant was pretty close, so it seemed like a good location.

    Through all that, I lost a lot of fights. I didn't think too much of it though, because at that stage of the game, most of the people I was fighting had significantly better weaponry and equipment than I did. Once you snowball, you tend to hug the road, and I hadn't snowballed, so I didn't think too much about how often I was getting killed.

    I wasn't at all suspicious as that point.

    Anyway, about 5 days into the wipe, I saw some neighbors moving in. They were clearly just starting out for the wipe, and didn't have BPs. I was at that point able to put out revolvers and double barrel shotguns, and I had a fairly secure base. I went over to them and told them that I was neutral, and that if they didn't fuck with us we wouldn't fuck with them. We'd treat them as neighbors.

    My neighbors then started killing me.

    My attitude towards them quickly changed from "We're gonna let these guys base here if they don't fuck with us" to "Shit, these guys are going to fuck us over, we need to make peace or move". They were consistently getting the drop on me, depriving me of farm etc. After a couple days of that, one of them told me that their leader said that we were going to be cool from now on, and the harassment stopped.

    In that time I progressed from revolvers to SARs, and had a decent weapon. We also had tier 2 clothes.

    Two days after that their leader came up to me and offered me a bunch of guns. Not just SARs either, but automatics. Thompsons and SMGs. He just dropped like 20 of them at the door to my base. I had to refuse them, because we were on a 4 player per team server and accepting such a stack of weapons would make us teamed in the eyes of the admins. He picked up his guns, and I never saw him again. He never said it, but apparently he was offering me the guns because they were leaving the server. From the point where they moved in as nakeds, to the point where he offered me the guns, I'd say only 4 days had passed. 2 days of them harassing us, and 2 days of them leaving us along as neighbors. Maybe I'm off by a day or two, so lets say 6 days.

    Their base started decaying 4-5 days later. Once it had decayed enough that their armored core was exposed... my group decided to raid it. They were long gone, but my brother in law and I went in and gunned down the few garage doors between us and their armored vault, and Jesus Christ, they were rich.

    We pulled out of that raid something like 50 guns in total. We pulled out hundreds of HQM. Stacks and stacks of ammo, tech trash... more than a half dozen of AKs. They had several (meaning say 8) guns you can only get from scrap, like the automatic shotgun, LR300 and MP249. They had that named sniper rifle. They had everything but boom. Lots of everything, but no boom.

    So, I had 2k hours in Rust at that point and it had been a while, but I'd be lying if I told you I didn't have my suspicions. Cheaters have always been a problem in Rust. I remember flyhacking aimbotting assholes back in Rust Legacy... but I didn't know that these guys had cheated. Maybe they were just good. That's what you tell yourself at least.

    Anyway, at this point I was filthy rich. So I went out and I got in fights.

    And I lost. And I just kept losing.

    I didn't lose every fight I got in, but I lost the vast majority of them. I was never able to get the drop on anyone. I lost kits left and right.

    I remember a time when I lost a fight where I had a Thompson and the other guy had a crossbow. He got the drop on me, and landed a headshot. I used a syringe and by the time I turned to gun him down he'd landed another headshot.

    Anyway, the point is that I was constantly unable to win in fights. Sometimes I'd get jumped, but more often than not it would be a 1v1. Most of the rare times I did win I had a significantly better gun than the other guy.

    The server I was on wipes monthly. I played on for a few weeks slowly banking sulphur and rockets... but I was starting to suspect that the server was absolutely filled with cheaters. Five years ago I'd watched youtube vids about the hacking tools for Rust, and I knew that they were quite sophisticated. Its possible that I'm just a below average FPS player now too, but its not like I was losing fights at extreme ranges, I was losing mid range fights to guys that were murdering me in just a few shots, who seemed to never miss, and it seemed to be pretty much everyone.

    I got paranoid.

    Yesterday, I was running by a base. I saw a naked nearby who rabbited into his 2x2. I fired at him as he ran in. I then kept going in the same direction I was as fast as I could, and I joked on coms "I bet he hits a speed hack and chases me down".

    A minute later a guy coming from that direction did indeed gun me down from behind. I am not certain it was the same guy, but I believe it was him. There were only 30 players on the server at the time. There was no way he could have caught me without some kind of speed hack. I'd been traveling in a straight line since passing him, and hadn't stopped. Even with a locker I don't think he could have caught me.

    Then there's today. I'd been sitting on 45 rockets for a week. I wanted to raid, but the guys I play with play sporadically. Given how badly everyone was doing in gunfights (It wasn't just me, my brother in law has like 3k hours and was getting dunked on everywhere he went as well), I wanted to ensure that we had everyone on.

    I pulled out all the stops. I built an FOB. I charged a medium battery to full. I took 2 sentry turrets armed with pythons and plenty of ammo.

    The base owner spotted all this going on, and started firing on us, but there were 3 of us and we carried on.

    He killed me several times, one of my guys got him. I lost a few kits, which was incredibly common at that point. We still, 3 weeks later, still had plenty of leftover guns from raiding our neighbor's decaying base.

    Within a minute of us firing the first rockets, we wound up surrounded. At least 3 players showed up, and they were I knew from chat the server's alphas.

    We were all dropped very quickly. The turrets kept them from looting us, but even with the protections on the top of the base, even with us all up and geared well, we just got slaughtered. The turrets did little. Out of 45 rockets, we fired most off, and about 15 were looted from the fob when the gang closed in on it cracked it open and killed me.

    That will probably be my last Rust wipe.

    I can't prove it. I believe that I'm probably not the best gunfighter.... but I still think that a large percentage of rust players on that server were cheating.

    I think the guys that wound up with all those guns after 6 days on server were probably cheating. I think the guy I passed used a speed hack to catch me and gun me down. I think the guy we raided, and the guys that showed up to counter raid were all using aimbots. I think that most of the guys I ran into on the road or at monuments were using aimbots. I think I didn't wind up in a position to get the jump on many farmers over the course of a 3 week wipe cycle was mostly because people are running ESP and avoid others while farming. I don't think it was just that server that I was on that this is happening on. I think its everywhere.

    I think that cheaters get on, and because they are aimbotting, they tend to roam 5-10x more than other players.

    I think that because of that, even if cheaters only make up 10% of a servers population, they're the people you run into most of the time. Non cheaters can't just roam like that... because if they do they get gunned down by an aimbotter. For that reason, I think most non-cheaters avoid roaming and keep their head's down.

    I think that server alphas are almost always cheaters. I think if they weren't, they could never become alphas. How can you wind up alpha on a server if a good number of the people actively looking for fights are aimbotting?

    I think that as people play Rust, they eventually run into someone that's really "good", and they team up. A few months later the "good" player opens up about the "mods" he uses. He explains that everyone uses them (which seems true because most gunfights are going to have at least one botter since the botters have significantly increased incentive to roam). I think that soon after that, you wind up with two cheaters.

    I think its spread, and where 5 years ago you had maybe 1-2% of the player populace cheating, you now have 8-20%...

    I can't prove it of course. For all I know I'm just really bad. Maybe my monitor has terrible latency, maybe it was a second guy that shot me in the back, not a speed hacker... maybe I'm getting old... but I don't think its that.

    I think this game has been ruined by user-friendly, feature rich exploit programs.

    Its too bad, because Rust used to be an incredible game, and the devs have done amazing things over the last 5 years.

    submitted by /u/moses_the_red
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    Is it just me, or is the Blackout BAR's textures broken in the stock? It's hollow and there are pieces of unfinished marks???

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:27 PM PST

    Hex is looking good :)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:52 AM PST

    The Reckoning; Custom base build

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:45 PM PST

    Changes are coming to Rust.. you could say.. it'll be game changing!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST

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