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    Tuesday, May 18, 2021

    Rust What it's like for clans who live near Launch Site.

    Rust What it's like for clans who live near Launch Site.

    What it's like for clans who live near Launch Site.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Confessions of 3300 hours solo/duo , vanilla highpop player

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    - Never taken heli, have tried once

    - Have attempted to get to cargo about 20 times, 19 of which we were gunned down before even getting onboard.

    - managed to do oil a few times but depends on if we get countered by a 6 man or not.

    - Never don miltuns

    - Literally can't hit shit with AK. I only use them for turrets or base defense. I've been on UKN twice.

    - Can beam with sar, revolver, crossbow, db slugs, compound bow

    -almost never go to monuments

    - love eco raiding huge clans

    - Almost all ak's/m249 I got was by grubbing.

    my wipes always consist of me trying to get DB, slugs and satchels, always build around bandit camp. i i do nothing else besides grubbing, going deep and calculated online and offline raids.

    Usually build a network of 1x2 / 2x2 around the map in various pvp hotspots.

    Anyone else here like me ? :D

    submitted by /u/h4x0rninja--
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    My Rust experience so far.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    How to be ahead in this game

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Started a Twig Base for My Son, Needs Some Honey Comb

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new to this game and I am absolutely blown away by out anti-social, socially inept, and just down right atrocious this games community is.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    Just when I think I've seen it at it's lowest, it goes even lower. I'm not even just talking pvp, but just interactions in general.

    A friend of mine convinced me to play Rust with him, so I did. The first time around I played quite a bit, but after seeing the community, I stepped away. I have never seen so many people with such cringe (superiority issues?) where they talk down to each other and tell each other shit like "Sit down, dog. Learn your place.". People having extensive, in depth, just life consuming drama over discord. Guys who seem to literally exist to play Rust and their entire personality is just owned by it. I see new players come in and ask a question just to be absolutely shit roasted and berated to hell.

    Then these people seem to be confused and get angry when you shrug off losing or getting killed, like they can't fathom you're not foaming at the mouth. I cannot count how many times I have been called a "n****r" in the less than 100 hours I have played.

    Fast forward to today:

    The same friend convinces me to play again, so wearily, I come back and run around and kill some stuff. Had the chat and stuff turned off, cause I don't want to see people have 4 hour long arguments over a gun or something. My friend says "Hey, a guy I know is getting on." Alright. This new guy logs on, his name lights up in the team thing, he looks at me, says nothing (apparently he doesn't talk to anyone) and just blasts me away. I'm thinking maybe its a joke, I kind of laugh it off. I come back, he blasts me again. I come back, grab my stuff, actually kill him and then he removed me from the TC.

    At this point, both my friend and I are confused. He messages my friend, friend says "He says he doesn't like you". Well then... I just told my friend I'm done and logged off the game, uninstalled it once again. Guy adds me to Steam to... drum roll... to call me a "fucking n****r".

    I've never seen anything like this. Not on WoW, not on Dota, GTA, nothing like this. It's like I was stuck in a game with a bunch of Severely Behavioral Handicapped children. I just want to end this by saying I'm not looking for an answer of some kind and I don't expect some kind of result, but I just felt like throwing this out there somewhere and this seemed good a place as any.

    submitted by /u/Stewart_W_Potroast
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    So guys, what is the best furnace skins? One that glows at night?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Is something off with the new update?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    Hey guys. Kinda a 'is it just me?' thread.

    So I've been around, played since legacy, few thousand hours. I've seen rust grow up through a lot of changes and generally with only one or two exceptions I've always loved what the devs have done. Electricals? Awesome. Farming? Yep! Cars and trains to run people over with like slavic rally driver? Definitely.

    But I'm trying to get used to the new update and struggling to see the positives to what they've done this time. I guess I'm curious if anyone feels the same and kinda hoping a few bits get altered. I guess here's my take.


    This is the big one for me. These burnt out cars seem to basically take over roads to the degree that there is often jack all to salvage even on very open roads, the types that used to have plenty of sites.

    I'm wondering if the logic was to make people go toward monuments more, and thus drive more pvp/content. Thing is, for those of us playing solo, or near zergs it makes it considerably more challenging to move up the modern garanteed grind of the tech trees and compete. Building near a quiet bit of road used to help that demographic out.


    The new boxy cliffs kinda look alright... but for the moment till they (apparently it's coming) fix the areas that look like you can jump up them but are in fact entirely blocked... they seem to function more like giant walls now. The old ones, you could gradually find somewhere to begin scaling them. Now they seem to funnel your travel a lot more into particular linear paths as you're running around.

    Map Generation

    Maybe it's the cliffs, and this might just be a continuation of what I just said, but yeah, maps are feeling a bit more like a collection of linear paths rather than the freeform landscapes they used to be. Lot of servers suddenly seem to have more islands and sections of land that are near unusable because recycler or various resource coverage seems off. Maybe that's just poor choices of mapgen from server admins, I don't know.


    The new ones are pretty, and the general graphic changes are nice. But this is one where I have seen a fair few people agree that now a lot of foliage cover has been taken away, even in grassland biomes. Getting away from a zerg, making ambushes, using tactics to counter having just yourself to rely on is now noticeably harder.

    The saplings... well the less wood change makes sense...

    But like a few items in this update, it might make logical sense... like a post apocalyptic world having burnt out cars makes sense... but that doesn't necessary mean positive changes to the gameplay.

    Anyhow, I might be talking rubbish, but by all means, give me your two cents. Maybe there's stuff you've noticed I've missed.

    I'm sure I'll get used to it, as we all have a bunch of times in recent years, but I thought it might be fun to see what people think.

    submitted by /u/Aeraeni
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    Unpopular Opinion: The new terrain-revamp is fucking garbage.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Feels like I'm playing barren now. Everything is so damn flat with no trees. Also, Rock formation bases have been killed, and the shortgrass that now covers every biome looks awful. The visibility compared to before is appalling, and all the colors seem so lifeless and washed out.

    After 4k hours, I have never been more demotivated to play. At least give the option to play servers with this turned off or something.

    submitted by /u/eggyboiz
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    2K hours and my brother still falls for trap bases www.twitch.tv/asiandiskool1 (even tho hes trash)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    You can clip a T3 workbench into a triangle floor to save a little space (not sure if this has been shown yet)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    Hello there!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    Rust finally comes to console: "Right from the start, we tried to keep the game as close to the PC version as possible. That’s why it took so long to develop"

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Is this still posible? Can you get stacked wood like this on vanilla via outpost or another method?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    I think I invented a submarine?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Underrated content creators

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    We all know Bloo, Frost, Stevie, etc.,

    Who is an underrated content creator to check out? I'll even take self-promos if you think you've got good content. If it sucks, I will tell you.

    Just please, expand my Rust universe and drop some names below!

    submitted by /u/Zymplify
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    A Guide to The Most Efficient RUST Bedroom Designs :)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT


    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    Why can't I make any damn gunpowder

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    I'm on the console edition and I have all of the sulfer and charcoal that I need and I'm at a level 1 workbench but I still can't craft?

    submitted by /u/mayonnaise18824
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    Why you shouldn't hop in my heli

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    I parodied an infamous comic

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    Skin Corruption in Rust Workshop

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    first of all sorry for my english language!

    I am writing this message anonymously to draw attention to the skin workshop corruption. The Youtuber That.GermanGuy when he started suggesting skins for the game, he took bribes so that he could show the Skin Helk and also put pressure on him to accept it who gave him money. When he started suggesting skins he was short of cash and almost thrown out of his house and therefore desperate to get hold of money because his videos had no viewers and he had no income. He even asked for generous donations that he ultimately no longer needed shortly after he started suggesting skins.

    he is not fair and I know very well and have evidence that he lets his financiers benefit. Now he gets almost no more money because he is allowed to get skins every quarter with which he earns at least 10 thousand dollars. So he gets 40 thousand dollars just to make videos about skins. Even people who do skins every week don't have that honor! The videos of him are almost nowhere near as laborious as, for example, Xtab who rated every skin well! All he does is put in skins and tell the same rubbish!

    People are afraid to speak their minds in the skin workshop because they are afraid of being blacklisted by TGG, but I am also certain that TGG Helk (primary developer of Rust) does not suggest all skins, only some! I advise Facepunch to investigate this corruption and see that TGG does not suggest all weekly skins to the primary developer but only some of which he personally likes and has also received money from in past!

    There is an extraordinary amount of corruption in the skin business. I plead with facepunch that they investigate the case and not always lay idle on matters like this. Why doesn't Facepunch look at and select your own skins? Why does facepunch give so much power to a desperate guy who a few years ago preferred to play Ark rather than do a real job? The fairest thing would be if Facepunch would select their own skins. Yes, the primary developer decides the skins in the end, but due to corruption, he does not get all the skins suggested.

    I beg Helk to choose skins himself and check it out in the workshop on Thursday because the TGG is a corrupt and desperate person

    I write this anonymously because I am afraid for shadow black list

    Edit: I beg with you Rust community to please help me make this issue viral so helk and facepunch see this and take action.

    Thank you very much

    submitted by /u/throwawayrustru
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    is rust worth getting into?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    i am heavily considering getting into rust when it launches on ps4 in a few days, im just wondering if its hard to get into as a beginner and if i need to communicate a lot with players to have fun. is the game fun without friends or is playing solo very boring?

    submitted by /u/paperpando
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